Movement questions

By wapcaplets, in Warhammer: Diskwars

I just got my starter yesterday and did a walkthrough of the basic scenario. Something that's not clear to me (and please point out anything in the rulebook I've missed) is whether or not your own disks can overlap.

Is it legal to end a disks movements overlapping (pinning?) a friendly disk?

When moving a disk am I allowed to overlap friendly disks and continue movement?

My instinct says no but I thought I'd ask those more learned than I.

Something else I couldn't seem to discern... Is a disk that is pinned allowed to move away or is it stuck in place until it is no longer in an engagement? Same question for the disk doing the pinning.

Thanks, in advance, for helping me out. This is my first forray into any Diskwars game so please bear with me if these are obvious questions!

In addition, i would like to know if i can change direction of the disk when flipping it ?

Regarding the rules, i think i can but i'm not sure as i don't speak english very well.

But if i can change direction of the disk, does it mean i can (with a disk impact + relentless) roll back on an ennemy and impact him many times ?

Thanks for your anwser

Great questions. A disk can move on top and pin friendly disks. A disk does not have to stop if it pins a friendly disk. A disk that is pinned cannot be activated and therefore cannot move away. It cannot move at all for that matter. A disk that is pinning another disk can activate to move away as long as it is not pinned itself.

A disk with Impact and Relentless can cause Impact damage multiple times to the same disk. The only requirement is that it has to move off of the disk then back on again each time it wants to cause damage.

Thanks, BW. I appreciate the clarification!

Using a relentless/impact combo against the same disk shouldn't be too difficult. Someone correct me if I am wrong, but an attacking disk should be able to make the initial impact pin, then flip backwards until the disk is at a 90 angle with the table, rotate on its axis, then pin the same disk again.

Using a relentless/impact combo against the same disk shouldn't be too difficult. Someone correct me if I am wrong, but an attacking disk should be able to make the initial impact pin, then flip backwards until the disk is at a 90 angle with the table, rotate on its axis, then pin the same disk again.

You seem to sugest, that with relentless/impact combo 2 flips should suffice to get a double impact, like this:

- Pin disk the first time -> Impact

- Flip up to 90 degrees, turn disk around and pin disk second time -> Impact

That will not work because of the following rule (p.21):

A disk cannot deal impact damage to a disk it was already pinning prior to flipping.

So to do double impact damage to the same disk you have to take at least three flips:

- Pin disk the first time -> Impact

- Flip so that you do not pin the enemy

- Flip back onto the enemy -> Impact

Whew! thanks!

Great questions. A disk can move on top and pin friendly disks. A disk does not have to stop if it pins a friendly disk. A disk that is pinned cannot be activated and therefore cannot move away. It cannot move at all for that matter. A disk that is pinning another disk can activate to move away as long as it is not pinned itself.

A disk with Impact and Relentless can cause Impact damage multiple times to the same disk. The only requirement is that it has to move off of the disk then back on again each time it wants to cause damage.

Please illuminate me:so if one of my disk is pinned by an other one, i also control, then is it considered pinning? So that the pinned one cannot be activated?

Please illuminate me:so if one of my disk is pinned by an other one, i also control, then is it considered pinning? So that the pinned one cannot be activated?

Yes indeed; do not pin your own disc unless absolutely necessary!

i have a question about rough terrains: if i start a movement on it i can overlap it infinite times without Andy penalties?

i have a question about rough terrains: if i start a movement on it i can overlap it infinite times without Andy penalties?

Yes. But, once you flip out of the terrain, it will stop you once you step back to it.