More Homebrew

By player2202059, in Relic

Well here is some more homebrew: I assume no one is into home brew stuff since only 1 person has commented on anything of note, but the pages have plenty of views. So I'll not post any more for now, and just work with the playtest groups we have locally.

Chaos+Spawn.jpg Chaos+Zealot.jpg

I think we will call this guy either Chaos Zealot, or Chaos Cultist.

Eversorcard.jpg I also have the Culexus Assassin done, to round out the 4 main assassins: I like that one the best which is why I am waiting for last to finish it. I just need a better picture to use.

We have played the Chaos Spawn scenario, and its a blast: its difficult at times, and I think I can re-word the stats on the spawn better- the intent is that each time you roll to determine which stat you use, and draw cards until you have X number of enemy cards, adding all of their strength together, and that is what strength the spawn uses.

I've seen him have a 22 in a stat with 3 cards, and a 9 with 5.

The Chaos Spawn is very nice. Love it.

We use similar special rules for the Mystery Beyond scenario, minus the boss fight.

1)you must encounter every square in the Inner Tier.

2) The difference is:

The first player to enter the Inner Tier may use the Warp Rift for skipping

The other players are summoned to the Inner Tier automatically once the leader has entered the Scenario space. Those who don't have relics at this time are eliminated; the rest proceed to encounter every space in order. Turns are resolved simultaneously.

3) Those who were at the Inner Tier, when the leader reached the Scenario space, are returned to the Warp Rift again, and must encounter every space like the rest(they're checked for relic possession again as well)

Players who manage to pass the Inner Tier without getting Corrupted or Vanquished, share the victory with the leader.

Edited by zealot12

Ministorum.jpg I lied... here is more... I'll just post it all here from now on.

Don't worry about the lack of comments from people. It is very much the same for Talisman homebrews and has been for years. Be assured that people are interested in homebrew, but they may not be very vocal about it (and mostly do not play with it, but still appreciate seeing new ideas).

Oh my God Oh my God, this is like a Relic expansion without models. It is a POD expansion, just like the last one they published for Talisman, although smaller.

Many many thanks Lord Aries. I seriously just don't know where to start with this.

A question about the chaos spawn ending. Do you mean that every time we fight the spawn (whether we lose or we win the combat), we are thrown out of the inner tier and onto the blasckstone space? or does it happen only when we lose. Also, is that why the scenario says "encounter every space in the inner tier"? It seems to be quite hard,

The games we have are fast paced games with players making into the inner region at level 7 to 8 with maybe 2 relics at most.

Edited by guillaumetexas

Well, the intent and how we have played it where it was the most fun:

Once you go into the inner tier- you can still skip spaces- after that you keep encountering them until you get to the center space (with the spawn) and you fight him (unless of course you die earlier).

You roll for his stat: then draw cards (draw cards until you have drawn 3 enemy cards from that deck, add their numbers together to calculate his stat) and fight.

Win Loose or Draw, you get spit back out to Blackstone. This way, you must go in and win 3 time to win the game, which turns the game into less of a race to the middle: Going in first and getting to the center in most games will often result in victory- this game, less likely.

Often people go in at full level 12- which is fun to really power up. Sometimes people make a run at him earlier, but then power back up before going in again. You definitely want to have your life value back to full so you don't die from challenges. We have been mostly playing 3 people games with it.

Name: Chaos Space Marine


Power Limit: 1

Power Limit: 2

Power Limit: 3

Picture Goes Here

Special Rules Go Here:

You have the following Battle Bonus: 2

Each time you draw a Corruption card, you may draw 1 additional card. Choose 1 to keep and discard the other. (this is done before activation of the cards)

You have a corruption threshold of 8

(instead of 6)

Asset Limit: 7

Starting Space: ???

Str: 4

Will: 2

Cun: 1

Life: 5

Black Templar Emperor's Champion



Power Limit 2 across

Special Rules Go Here:

You do not draw mission cards, instead pick a vow:

Accept Any Challenge, No Matter the Odds; defeat an enemy with a higher total attribute than you. Then reveal the top two mission cards and gain the reward on one of them, shuffle the other back into the deck.

Suffer Not the Unclean to Live; the emperor (player to your left) selects an enemy type (daemon, eldar, heretic, orc, traitor, tyranid, etc.) you must defeat one of that enemy.

Uphold the Honour of the Emperor;

The emperor (player to your left) selects an attribute, if another player in your tier is about to engage in a battle of that type you may come to their aid. Immediately move to their space and add you full attribute to theirs. They must win to complete the vow. Win or lose, you lose your next turn.

Upon completing a vow you gain a completed mission and must select a new vow (you may select the same vow).

When you gain corruption, place it face down. Your corruption never activates.

Your corruption limit is 8 (instead of 6).

Asset Limit 5

Starts: Omnisian Shrine

Str 4 Will 3 Cun 3 Life 5

This was created by another playtester in our group: I think its way too wordy of a special to put on a card like this: I think we should create 3 special VOW cards that he can have along side the character card.

Greetings Lord Aries, did you make your own blank cards to build these? I'd love to get my hands on them to try a couple things myself. Would you be willing to share?

Edited by Serenade01

Hey Lord Aries, I just wanted to let you know that we played the chaos spawn scenarios and we all really like it. It is straight and simple but nicely random. We used the special rule of "spitting back to the Fortress. It was interesting to see that the winner did have a go at the spawn early, went back to the fortress and powered up again. By that point, we realized he was on a winning strategy so we all rushed in the middle to get our tokens on the cards.

It was a very middle-centric game. Normally, players tend to take time to power up in the outer region, but this time, once one player had a token on the scenario card, we powered upin the middle section and powered up quickly. A nice change of pace.

Awesome job.

Played the Chaos Zealot, and found him rather hard even with several beneficial corruption cards. On his level up sheet there are only 10 moments where he can +1 attribute. Lowest of all the characters (Not including the priest who has many chances to +1 attribute from special ability). So not surprisingly I found him lacking in attributes. Not to mention an asset limit of only 3.

Anybody had a good game with this character?

I feel like he needs another special ability but there is no room on his sheet. eg. If you have 6 or more corruption cards the chaos gods empower you with +1 to your battle score.

Edit: I made some graphical edits, I was able to make it fit on the sheet. :)

Edited by warlock00

Hmm decided to rethink the Chaos Zealot's extra ability. Found the one I suggested to make him too similar to the Librarian.

Since he starts on the Mutant Warlord, it got me thinking about that kind of space, and I came up with the following unique ability.

Additional ability: After levelling up, you may move to the Mutant Warlord or the Lair of the Vexigar and resolve immediately (Roll two dice and choose one).

I find this to be very unique. You get an extra turn to maybe gain another trophy. Or 33% chance of gaining an attribute. (~25% may lose a life)

You will likely favour the Lair over the Mutant most of the time. But you have the choice.

You possibly wont want to use it after you hit middle tier. But you have the choice.

Catch clause: one extra turn maximum. Not allowed to level, move, win trophy, level, move, win trophy, level move ...

Edited by warlock00

Even with the ability bonus previously mentioned, the chaos zealot is still hard to play. His lack of attribute gain and only 3 asset limit is very difficult. Going to try his asset limit at 4.

Anyone have any experience playing Priest MInistorum?

The Chainsword is in the red threat deck. It provides +1 in strength battles and has no charges.

Being able to gain a completed mission every two levels is huge, as we know with Canoness.

Being able to easily increase attributes even after reaching level 12 is huge.

So far played this hero once and seems quite powerful. This was after having chainsword stolen very early on.

Greetings Lord Aries, did you make your own blank cards to build these? I'd love to get my hands on them to try a couple things myself. Would you be willing to share?

Lord Aries, I would also be interested in blank cards to throw my hat into the homebrew arena

I love the narrative of the Dark Angels actively hunting the Fallen Angels and some of the Fallen Angels reject both the forces of Chaos and the Emperor.

So my idea with the Fallen Renegade is to have a Pre-Heresy do-gooder lurking around the Imperium doing great deeds but always teetering on the edge of succumbing to the forces of Chaos.

The idea behind the Interrogator-Chaplain is to show the unrelenting pursuit of vengeance present in all Dark Angels. By actively chasing the Fallen Renegade player, they can reap significant rewards. Yet being so close to the traitor can increase the temptation of Chaos.

Still playing around with some of the stats but if anyone gives them a try let me know how it goes.

Also I am also open to any tweaks in character design.

Dueling in exploration phase seems unintuitive. You also should choose start or end over during. Switching the attacker to rolling first seems unintuitive. Not being able to use Power-up seems limiting as that's your players source of strategic manipulation. Chaplain having an ability that works vs only one character is limiting and unlucky harsh for your opponent. Also he has an ability icon on his sheet for no reason. The level up icons appear all over the place.

Also if I really like a custom character I want to buy a model that matches it. Try choose a picture that has a model available. Provide model link :P

Thanks for your effort.

Gaining free wargear + 3 influence every time you defeat a traitor/heretic seems OP.

There are 2 major threats in the game, 1) gaining too much corruption, and 2) losing all your life. You've nullified both threats with just one ability: discard 1 corruption for 1 life.

Don't be afraid to create new threads.


The text on the card could use some tightening up and clarifications. The second, third, and fifth abilities on the card each have multiple ways in which they could be interpreted.

For example, "May discard corruption card for 3 influence" is a phrased a little vaguely. Does it mean:

  • "You may pay 3 Influence to discard a corruption card." -or-
  • "You may discard a corruption card to gain 3 Influence."

I'm guessing you meant the former, but it looks like warlock00 (judging from his comments) interpreted it the other way.

Ah lol that makes a huge difference to their OP'ness. Yeah I'd obviously reword those :)