Missing information in current BETA

By AnubiteDM, in Dark Heresy Second Edition Beta

1. Examples of Influence characteristic (at least Inquistors).

2. Still missing rules for using Influense to manipulate NPC as per page 223

"An Acolyte can use his Influence to manipulate others into doing his bidding, revealing information, or otherwise offering assistance. Chapter III: Skills contains rules for using Influence to manipulate others".

3. Need some information about new Blood Loss stacking (e.g. multiple hits from Bleeder rounds).

4. Make it clearer what to roll Desposition of NPC or Social Skills when we come to climatic points of the social interaction.

I wouldn't mind some info on the stacking effects of shocking (and concussive). in case of multiple hits, does the higher applies (meaning how many round he is stunned for - and how many fatigue he gains), are they stack, or etc?