The Grim Dark Podcast Reviews the Dark Heresy 2nd Edition Beta

By ozorion, in Dark Heresy Second Edition Beta

Hello all,

I don't normally post about our podcast in the DH2 beta forums, but given that our most recent episode is largely devoted to the 2nd edition beta, I thought I would go ahead and mention it here.

We spend some time talking about the beta and its rules, giving our thoughts, before running through an interview that we did with our beta test team about the game system after our first run through.

If you're interested, you can check out the podcast at or on iTunes.

Happy listening!


Its 4 hours long....

I could only make it through the first hour before I needed a break XD.

Other then that its was great pod cast.

Yeah sorry about that - we normally target 90 minutes an episode, and it's not to hard for us to hit 2 hours.

When we did our playtest, we were planning on a 1 hour post game talk, but they team just had so much to say, the interview alone hit 2 hours. Then when we recorded the rest of the regular show, we hit nearly another 3 hours. I only managed to rip out about 20 minutes of useless conversation.

Rest assured that if you're main interest is Dark Heresy 2nd Edition, there's not really anything for you after the 2 3/4 hour mark (the rest is Dark Heresy current edition stuff).

When we did our playtest, we were planning on a 1 hour post game talk, but they team just had so much to say, the interview alone hit 2 hours. Then when we recorded the rest of the regular show, we hit nearly another 3 hours. I only managed to rip out about 20 minutes of useless conversation.
Then break it into 2 (or more) segments, especially considering that

Rest assured that if you're main interest is Dark Heresy 2nd Edition, there's not really anything for you after the 2 3/4 hour mark (the rest is Dark Heresy current edition stuff).
