first weyland deck

By tauntdragoon, in Android: Netrunner Deck Building

hey i built a weyland deck and want some opinions on it i only got the core,creation and control, 2nd thought, and opening moves trying to improve it for the most part i dose good but i feel it could be better and thank for any help in advance

Deck Created with Android: Netrunner Deck Builder

Weyland Consortium: Building a Better World (Core)

Total Cards: (48)

Agenda: (12)
Geothermal Fracking (Opening Moves) x2
Hostile Takeover (Core) x2
Posted Bounty (Core) x2
The Cleaners (Second Thoughts) x2
Profiteering (Second Thoughts) x1
Private Security Force (Core) x3

Asset: (5)
Elizabeth Mills (Second Thoughts) x2
Security Subcontract (Core) x1
Snare! (Core) x2 ■■

ICE: (15)
Archer (Core) x1
Bastion (Creation and Control) x1
Data Raven (Core) x2 ■■
Hadrian's Wall (Core) x2
Hunter (Core) x2
Ice Wall (Core) x1
Muckraker (Second Thoughts) x1 ■■■
Shadow (Core) x1
Swarm (Opening Moves) x2
Wall of Static (Core) x1
Datapike (Creation and Control) x1

Operation: (16)
Anonymous Tip (Core) x1 ■
Beanstalk Royalties (Core) x3
Closed Accounts (Core) x1 ■
Cyberdex Trial (Opening Moves) x2
Hedge Fund (Core) x2
Restructure (Second Thoughts) x2
Scorched Earth (Core) x2
Successful Demonstration (Creation and Control) x1 ■
Shipment from Kaguya (Core) x2

Upgrade: (0)

Total Agenda Points: 21

Influence Values Totals -
Haas-Bioroid: 1
Jinteki: 4
NBN: 9
The Weyland Consortium: 36

15 Ice is pretty low for a Weyland deck, so that would seem to lend itself to a Flatline win rather than actually scoring agendas out of a well-defended server. The problem is you've got no reliable ways to tag the runner, and only 2 Scorched Earth (Although I forget how many are in 1 core set.) You should be running 49 cards, and with 1-pt agendas there's no reason to run 21 AP when 20 will do.

--Security Subcontract may be a wasted card because you have little Ice to spare

--Closed Accounts is an odd splash.

--Jackson Howard is a better choice than Anonymous Tip.

--Consider Sea Source as a reliable way to tag the runner on your turn.

Going tag and bag without the third scorched earth is problematic, but it is what the core set gives you. It's doable but requires some compensation for it.

I recommend doing one or more of these things if you want to play Tag and Bag:

1) Get a 3rd Scorched Earth, either by buying a second core set or by going to game nights at your Friendly Local Gaming Store, sponsored events sometimes have alternate art cards as prizes.

2) Adding Aggressive Negotiations to let you search for a/another Scorched Earth.

3) Adding Archived Memories to let you Scorched Earth/Archived Memories/Scorched Earth.

4) Buying the expansion with Project Atlas, a Weyland agenda that gives you the ability to search your deck for a card for each time you over advance it.

5) Adding Brain Damage traps from CAC so that a single Scorched Earth later can seal the deal.

6) Putting in more sources of Net Damage so the runner is harder pressed for cards. Neural EMP can be a nice addition, especially if combined with Archived Memories for a surprise point of Net Damage.

7) Consider playing another faction that doesn't have the influence to splash 3 Scorched Earth, but supports the strategy in other ways. NBN does this well, H-B can with card recursion, brain damage, and extra actions for Private Security Force. Jinteki does this well if you have Fetal AI and splash HB brain damage traps and NBN tag traps with Jackson for recursion.

Hope that helps!