Hey all, this might be a really silly question, but read the rules on this a few times and still not certain of the answer.
If a unit makes a ranged attack (for simplicity's sake, lets say its not siege range) and gets more than one hit/crit result does the target unit suffer the damage listed more than once?
ie. If a Reikland Crossbowmen disk shoots and gets a hit, a crit, and a miss on the dice, does the target disk take 6 damage (3 per hit) along with the token for the crit? or is the entire attack considered a "crit" and thus only 3 damage is dealt with the token?
The description of the dice eludes to the idea that the damage is dealt multiple times, but there are no examples where this happens in the rulebook. The only example where more than one hit is rolled is in the scatter clarification, and the Ballista in that case is shooting at Siege range (which ignores the normal hits)
A somewhat related question depending on the answer:
Lets say we do get to do damage once per hit, is the damage considered simultaneous or is it "resolve crits, then resolve hits"?
ie If I have a disk with 4 toughness who has already suffered 2 damage and a ranged attack that does 3 damage is made against it and my opponent gets crit/hit/whatever, does it suffer a wound and then suffer the 3 hit damage? or does it suffer all the damage (6) at once and just get the single wound?
The clarification for scatter again seems to establish an order for the results as 1. Resolve Scatter, 2. Resolve Crits, 3. Resolve Hits
Thanks in advance! Really excited to play this game, is pretty awesome so far.