Hello guys,
A lot of us seem to like the new ag caps.
But is it the best to cap at AB, or would capping Agility in general not be better / more realistic.
Furthermore, I think the capping is not strict enough at all. The values it caps on are set very high (usually this will not be something to consider at all).
An "average" acolyte will have between agility 35 and 50, one that specializes in it will mybe reach around 60 or even 65.
So that should be the area, the caps should cap.
Only if a Guard Flak is capped at, lets say 50, it is something that is relevant to the game.
A light Enforcer Carapace could be capped at 45, a Stormtrooper one at 40.
And I checked it: the only way so far to get Unnatural Agility is 1 psychic power (Warp Speed). Thats not really a reason to set the caps that high.
And: should wearing a helmet have any penalty (perception) ?
Edited by GauntZero