Here is some feedback based on the tables presented in update #4
1. Table 5-7: Grenades and Explosives
1.1 Blind grenade shows a damage value of 2D10 E. I assume this is a mistake.
1.2 Photon grenades have a large blast radius (10). This seems overly large to me.
2. Table 5-8: Melee Weapons
2.1 Chainaxe shows a weight of 13kg. Based on the damage shown for the weapon I assume this is a one handed weapon and therefore the weight is incorrect when compared to chainsword (6kg) and the Eviscerator (15kg).
2.2 Should Shock Whip have a range of 3m as per Whip in the low tech section?
3. Table 5-11: Armour
3.1 Heavy Leathers; add legs location to areas covered. I do not see a reason for this to be omitted.
3.2 You can acquire individual flak armour pieces covering head, arms and body; why not legs?
3.3 Why does mesh armour only include a cloak and a vest? Can other body locations not be included?
Edited by dava100