Feedback on update #4

By dava100, in Dark Heresy Second Edition Beta

Here is some feedback based on the tables presented in update #4

1. Table 5-7: Grenades and Explosives

1.1 Blind grenade shows a damage value of 2D10 E. I assume this is a mistake.

1.2 Photon grenades have a large blast radius (10). This seems overly large to me.

2. Table 5-8: Melee Weapons

2.1 Chainaxe shows a weight of 13kg. Based on the damage shown for the weapon I assume this is a one handed weapon and therefore the weight is incorrect when compared to chainsword (6kg) and the Eviscerator (15kg).

2.2 Should Shock Whip have a range of 3m as per Whip in the low tech section?

3. Table 5-11: Armour

3.1 Heavy Leathers; add legs location to areas covered. I do not see a reason for this to be omitted.

3.2 You can acquire individual flak armour pieces covering head, arms and body; why not legs?

3.3 Why does mesh armour only include a cloak and a vest? Can other body locations not be included?

Edited by dava100

I wonder if there are any cops or military types here who know the effective range of a flashbang. In media they're always used to clear rooms, which are rarely 10m across.

The basic range of most military/ police flashbangs currently used is 5m at 170/180 decibels And it will still be loud enough to damage hearing and disorientate at 9m. Of course this effect is amplified in a built up area such as FISH. Hope that helps. (And yes, speaking from personal experience.).

Thank you Soloman. Is FISH 'fighting in someones house' (which is what I got from google)?

I think reducing it to blast (5) would be sensible. Blast (10) just feels to powerful to me from a game point of view. I just GM Dark Heresy, but if I was a player I would be running around with as many photon and web grenades as I could with the rules as they are at the moment.

If we wanted to be realistic leave it at blast (10) but make it easier to resist at 5m - 10m and more difficult for the target if in an enclosed space. I prefer reducing the radius...

The basic range of most military/ police flashbangs currently used is 5m at 170/180 decibels And it will still be loud enough to damage hearing and disorientate at 9m. Of course this effect is amplified in a built up area such as FISH . Hope that helps. (And yes, speaking from personal experience.).

Ex/Current British Armed Forces?

Edited by Durandal7

Ex Durandal. We like our acronyms easy :)

I could have used Chips too :) (Causing Havoc in Peoples Streets)

Ex Durandal. We like our acronyms easy :)

Same! On both counts :P

I could have used Chips too :) (Causing Havoc in Peoples Streets)

Good stuff :D I saw the acronym and immediately thought 'hang on a minute...only the British Army says stuff like that'.

And lo. I was right :D

Jolly good. Carry on.

Edited by Durandal7