2 Copies of Balance of the Force?

By sliebert, in Star Wars: The Card Game - Strategy

I haven't played since Gen Con in Indy - I have all of the Hoth expansions.

Do I need 2 copies of Balance of the Force?

Sorry if this was already asked.


If you don't want to click through to a different thread: you only need one copy of BotF.

And not even that many if you don't plan to spend a lot of time playing multiplayer games against the challenge decks, as nearly 2/3 of the box contents are not compatible with the standard game product.

I would disagree with the need of Balance of the Force. Of the sets, I regularly play 4 of the sets. I admittedly do not have much experience with the Smugglers and Sith sets, but the Jedi and Rebel sets are IMO really important for the LS right now and the Navy set is probably the second best Navy set in the catalog. The Scum set is also pretty important as the Security Team is just so good (I call them Yoda killers).