He did say it was going to be small. I don't mind. I'm glad to see any progress at all, after the first beta where we could just go a week or two without an update or any information
Update #3...
I don't mind small. I do mind that they didn't make the rather easy fix to what can only be typo in Point Buy... to be consistent with the random version it should be starting score 25, 60 points to distribute, 30 for '+' and 20 for '-' with the option of starting 30, 35 '+' and 25 '-' for "advanced" characters.
That said, I also imagine the DH2 team's bosses are riding them to get this out the door, and if that's the case they have my sympathies. I'd rather they work on the game until its finished instead of rushing it out the door to meet a deadline.
'Publish early publish often' may work in software, but not in printed games.
I do agree that they should wait till the holidays are done and over with before they release week 4 update. Give them some time to add meat and polishing to it. Update 3 is slim, but that is due to holidays if any thing else.