We've been using fate points in the standard way, including using it to re-roll an attack.
Yesterday, it came up that our Devestator with a Heavy Bolter rolled a jam. I asked if using the re-roll would allow a new attack and (as long as it wasn't similarly high) make it so the jam never happened.
Per the rules, would using a Fate Point to allow a re-roll make it so the jam never happened?
The GM ruled that we could use a fate point to clear the jam, but that we couldn't make a new attack roll. His feeling was that being able to negate the jam completely with a new re-roll AND get an attack was pretty powerful - and jams would basically never happen. Since they're such an iconic part of the setting, I think the GM is right - we'd basically never see them happen if you re-roll your attack that caused them. Is there an exception that doesn't allow you to use a Fate Point to re-roll an attack if it has some 'bad thing' attached?
Do other people allow Fate Point-Rerolls to make a new attack (voiding the jam)?