A quick question reg. card size for someone with most of the cards

By mr.thomasschmidt, in Warhammer: Invasion The Card Game


New gamer here. Veteran LotR LCG gamer though.

Just got the core set and all 6 packs of the corruption cycle. After unpacking everything I could see that ever card from the battle packs was 2 mm too wide. Anyone know if it is the core set that is too short or the packs taht are too wide? FFG has offered to send a new core set but I'm a little doubtfull that it will fix anything.

And I know that I could just sleeve them but I'm not gonna buy that many sleeves. Or just sleeve the deck and resleeve over and over again.

Anyone experienced this problem?

Sadly this is just the way it is. Don't know why though. I was kinda irked at first (I don't sleeve either) but now I'm just used to it. To me the discrepency is too small (literally!) for me to feel my deck and say "Ah! A core set card is what I'll draw next!"

It is kinda annoying/strange though, for sure.