Scrabbling claws action - "claws for critical damage" - what does this mean?

By Emirikol, in WFRP Rules Questions

Scrabbling claws (recharge 2) action question

1 success "claws for critical damage"

3 successes "as above, +1 damage"

What does this mean?

Does he do normal wounds plus a crit?

Does he draw a crit card and do that pitiful amount of damage as indicated by severity?

Does the 3 successes line do +1 crit? Or, does he do 1 crit plus a single wound?

Thoughts on clarification?

1 success = Normal damage and one wound is flipped over as a Critical.
3 successes = Normal damage +1 and one wound is flipped over as a Critical.

what k7 said

This is specifically addressed in the sidebar on page 65 of the Player's Guide. (It's also talked about on pages 82 and 87, but the clearest statement is on page 65.)

As k7e9 said:

For one success, the attack does normal damage (Str + DR), 1 of which is a crit.

For three successes, the attack does 1 more damage than normal (Str + DR + 1), 1 of which is a crit.

Relevant quote from Page 65:

"Normal Damage" is defined as the sum of the key characteristic for the attack (Strength for melee attacks, Agility for ranged attacks) plus the Damage Rating of the weapon used. "Critical Damage" is calculated the same way, but one of the wounds suffered is critical.

Mmmm...can't wait to have the pet feast upon the PCs warm corpses... yessss massster...feast, I shall!