Giant Mech

By Bloody Spirits, in Rogue Trader House Rules

Not entirely out of the question. The next major Horus Heresy book is going to focus on Knights, and what drove a major Knight stronghold world to betray the Imperium and end up in Chaos hands. It would be a neat bit of cross-promotion to announce a new Knight based codex along with a Black Library book detailing the importance of Knights to the Imperium, but this could also be where the rumour of a Knight codex is coming from.

Knights are confirmed, as is the new IG dex with the trademarkable re-branding.

New Knight releases with rules for an Admech army and a Noble house army.

Having a Knight-Errant on board a RT ship is not out of the question, there are also mercenary type houses, though for most of the average stuff a RT game/crew is going to be knocking around doing they might be a bit of overkill.

Great as an enemy though, just imagine a RT pissing off a noble and getting challenged to a duel and he shows up the next morning and the dude is in a Knight and all the RT brought was his Ork. :D

Edited by CaptainStabby