Want AGoT LCG Promo stuff - cards, tokens, etc.

By bktanner, in 5. AGoT Trade Forum

Just as the title says. I am just now getting into this game, I don't have much so far. I really enjoy collecting promos and such for card games :) ...

As such, I am interested in getting my hands on AGoT LCG promo stuff. I am most interested in Alt / full art promo cards, but am also interested in special house cards and the power tokens.

As an aside, is there any definitive list of promo cards / stuff released for the LCG? I only know of certain promos from checking eBay, and I'd like to see what all promo stuff is avaliable for the LCG.

I already have Valar Morghulis and Wildfire Assault promo cards, and I know I'd really like a copy of the Daenerys Targaryen full art promo - really like the art on that one. Otherwise though I don't know what all is out there, so I'm interested in most any promo stuff.

I can offer money in return. PM me on here, or on boardgamegeek.com using "bktanner" (in all honesty a BGG PM will probably be checked faster than a PM on here). I don't mind if folks PM me with what they have and ask for an offer in return, but understand that I'm pretty new and don't have much of a concept of what things are worth (especially if it isn't on eBay), so it'd probably be easier if you start out with what you're asking price is so we can negotiate from there :D .


Edited by bktanner