Righteous Fury

By aristodeimos, in Deathwatch Rules Questions

"Congratulations Astartes! You've just went through 2 weeks of Hypno-training to be just as deadly as you were before!"

I usually reserve the benefits of criticals for major NPCs and villains and not bother with giving them fatepoints. This is because I like my big villains to be able to stand out and unleash terrifying reserves of power against the unlucky protagonists. I wouldnt want some lowly minion to be able to get a lucky shot and kill a player, that's the job of his superior! :)

Edited by Calgor Grim

Autoconfirm for everyone vs everything greatly obviates the value of Deathwatch Training.

Yep. So I allow re-rolls to damage on the second RF dice roll to take into account Death Watch Training.

"Congratulations Astartes! You've just went through 2 weeks of Hypno-training to be even more deadly"