Attacks from behind - Dodge & Parray

By miho, in Deathwatch Rules Questions

Hey guys,

how do you handle attacks from behind? Is it possible to dodge or parry them?

At least for Dodge the Book states: "A character must be aware of the attack in order
to make the test."

So what means "aware" ? :) If engaged in close combat with multiple enemys and knowing that there a eneyms behind him, is a character or npc aware of a possible attack from behind? Can he dodge or parry?

The same for shooting, if a character knows that there enemys behind him in a firefight, can he dodge a attack?

Thanks for help :)

As you can only have one reaction to dodge or parry an attack per round then its a moot point, however step aside or wall of steel talents allows a second reaction per round so yes if you are aware of the attack then you should be able to parry or dodge as applicable.

or a techmarine who can use his servo arm to either have an extra reaction to attack or parry per round (if memory serves)

Edited by Brother Anselm

That doesn't answer my question :)

When I am aware of an attack ? Is it enough to know, that an enemy is behind me? Or must I really see the attack?

Edited by miho


ok the outnumbered version, I would say you could because as you say you are aware of another opponent, combat is not static, you're all moving about to some degree, I'd allow a dodge/parry because you're as you say expecting a potential attack.

the person firing is another matter, a perception/awareness roll to hear the gunshot and direction could be needed so you could react to it. then you'd get your dodge I suppose.

very painful toothache and massive amounts of Ibuprofen (that have only reduced it to a nagging ache) have left me somewhat ragged in the mind

I try not to overthink it. Once combat is joined and any surprise round goes down, characters are aware of their foes except in fringe circumstances, i.e. beyond LOS or actively rolling concealment.

Generally in melee combat one can expect to be moving around (continuously glancing front to back etc.) to pay attention to the attacks coming his way, so generally any attack can be dodged or parried. Getting suprised, well you're SOL on that one.

Ranged is a sort of different beast. In short range firefights, I can see allowing a somewhat similar approach as above. If the players get tunnel-visioned on something though I'd definately make them unaware of attacks coming from behind.

Longer ranged (100~200+m) shooting is more precise and focused than short range stuff. The farther away the target the more attention you have to give that target. When focusing in one direction, attacks coming from the other direction (behind, or even side on in some instances) would be attacks they wouldn't be aware of.

Don't forget, Bullets go faster than sound (about 3-4x or 100,000+x in the case of lasers). You will never hear a shot before the bullet perforates your liver, even if the shooter is 2ft. away. Common sense rule and all.

Yeah, you're not actually dodging the bullet once shot, you're dodging the shooter's aim before he pulls the trigger.

In melee combat, I don 't count attacks from behind as Unaware, because the character is moving to and fro, wheeling around, etc.

Unless the attacker has successful snuck up and the target has no idea he's there.

Ranged attacks are different. You're Unaware unless you can more or less see the guy. You have no way of knowing he's shooting at you, after all, unless you're the only possible target.

Thanks for your suggestions!

So how does ppl feel about fleeing or if you know ppl are behind a door and they have overwatch, or just know there are ppl when you step around a corner and then it's their turn?

So how does ppl feel about fleeing or if you know ppl are behind a door and they have overwatch, or just know there are ppl when you step around a corner and then it's their turn?

I don't understand your question.

So how does ppl feel about fleeing or if you know ppl are behind a door and they have overwatch, or just know there are ppl when you step around a corner and then it's their turn?

I don't understand your question.

Do you get to dodge?

If you're aware of the attack, arguably you get a dodge. The whole notion of the surprise round is that an ambush is sprung on you.

1. Fleeing from a foe you know exists and is shooting = probably can dodge.

2. How do you "know" they're there and are overwatching? And, if you know that, why go that way? In any case, if you have concrete knowledge via an auspex or something I would say you have enough knowledge to try and dodge.

3. Step around a corner and are surprised by an enemy lying in wait = no dodge.