Seeds of Heresy (Play-by-Post) INPLAY

By GauntZero, in Adventure: Seeds of Heresy

Toughness Test passed with a roll of 18 (T 25 after -10)

10 Damage - 5 AP - 3 TB = 2 total damage sustained. I'm down to 2 Wounds.

Teagan shouts in the face of the Heretic, "Is that the best you got!"

Would Intimidate require a partial turn?

Toughness Test passed with a roll of 18 (T 25 after -10)

10 Damage - 5 AP - 3 TB = 2 total damage sustained. I'm down to 2 Wounds.

Teagan shouts in the face of the Heretic, "Is that the best you got!"

Would Intimidate require a partial turn?

I'd say to try to intimidate him, you need a half action

On his turn the panicking Crouze wounds one of the heretics seriously.

Edited by GauntZero

Are all the enemies in Melee combat now?

Yes, they are.

One fights Teagan, the other one Crouze.

Teagan drops his shotgun and withdraws his stub automatic from his concealed holster. "Prepare to join your mutant pet heretic" he says as points and shoots (BS 40 [rolled a 04])

Damage = 5+3 = 8, 3+3 = 6, and 6+3 = 9

*always makes me nervous making declarations like that and then possibly missing haha*

I will aim and shoot at the mutant with another Krak

BS 40

Untrained: -20

Shock: -10

Point Blank: +30

Aim: +10

Stunned: +20
Total: 70

Roll: 13
Damage: 8+6+4

18 Damage, and Concussive (0)

Knowing I can't shoot the other shoot the other heretics without possibly annihilating my allies, I fire into the mutants guts, and a show of gore blows out of it.

Teagan drops his shotgun and withdraws his stub automatic from his concealed holster. "Prepare to join your mutant pet heretic" he says as points and shoots (BS 40 [rolled a 04])

Damage = 5+3 = 8, 3+3 = 6, and 6+3 = 9

*always makes me nervous making declarations like that and then possibly missing haha*

The heretic goes down and dies.

Crouze also seems to manage to defeat his enemy with a deadly bayonet hit.

All enemies are dead. And so is the governeur, whose head is only a bloody mess.

I'm going to question the governor's wife, "Ma'am, I'm sorry about the governor but do you recognize anything about these traitors? Do you know what group or faction that they belong to?"

Reginald tells Crouze to sit down. He tells Teagan to stop harassing the wife and just ensure that she is okay. He walks over to the body of the governor and examines it, checking for any unusual wounds or markings. He also searches the body for possessions. As he does this, he tells Angevin to prepare to burn the body of the abomination. His servo-skull hovers nearby, recording the scene.

Medicae: 40

Roll: 79, 4 DoF

Reginald is unable to note anything about the body outside of obvious markings or possessions. He is fairly certain, however, that the governors death was related to his now-missing head.

I'm going to run as fast as I can back to the apartments to see if our prisoner is still there

The prisoner just managed to get his cuffs off and takes his rusty sword back into his hands.

"You came back to die, scum ?", he asks you in a scary voice.

I look down at the Hellgun in my hands, then at his sword, then back at the Hellgun.

"Thats not how I imagine it going down"

I'm gonna go into overwatch on him, so if he moves I shoot.

"Give yourself up. Even if you have fallen from the Emperors light, you don't need to doom your entire world"

Edited by Felenis

Reginald sees that Angevin has fled from the scene and yells for someone to go find him. He approaches the governor's wife and offers his condolences to her. He asks her if there is anything he can get for her.

I look down at the Hellgun in my hands, then at his sword, then back at the Hellgun.

"Thats not how I imagine it going down"

I'm gonna go into overwatch on him, so if he moves I shoot.

"Give yourself up. Even if you have fallen from the Emperors light, you don't need to doom your entire world"

"I would have expected more...honour...from a so-called servant of the...EMperor...", his voice sounds rusty and provoking, a mix between amusement and disgust.

He draws his sword up high, gesturing that he awaits you to approach with your sword.

Heeding Reginald's words, Teagan scoops up his shotgun and runs off in search of Angevin knowing full well that he mentioned something about the bound prisoner earlier.

Reginald sees that Angevin has fled from the scene and yells for someone to go find him. He approaches the governor's wife and offers his condolences to her. He asks her if there is anything he can get for her.

She seems to be both afraid and ... is are not sure.

Heeding Reginald's words, Teagan scoops up his shotgun and runs off in search of Angevin knowing full well that he mentioned something about the bound prisoner earlier.

Please try a Navigate-Test +20 to find the way back without getting lost.

Int 40+20 = 60 [rolled 27]

As you arrive, you see Angevin stand in front of the heretic, who has drawn his rusty sword.

About 10m are between them.

While Angevin has his hellgun in his hands, the heretic tries to provoke him into a duel swordfight.

As you approach, the heretic sees you.

"Oh - you got support ? I didnt expect you to be such a coward. Are all of the emperors servants like that, scum ?"

Reginald nods and walks back to the governor's body. He covers it as best he can and tells the Sergeant to find the rest of his men, that he and Camyll will guard the Governess. Reginald returns to the Governess and tells her that she is safe, now, and that he will not allow any of the lowborn scum to touch her. He tells her that she must be strong, now, and asks her again if there is anything she needs.

Teagan says to the Heretic as he walks up, "Coward? I'm not the one that brought a mutant to the fight. By the way, it's dead and so are your friends. Perhaps you should rethink your coward remark. There is also the matter of your cowardly sneak attack as well."

Reginald nods and walks back to the governor's body. He covers it as best he can and tells the Sergeant to find the rest of his men, that he and Camyll will guard the Governess. Reginald returns to the Governess and tells her that she is safe, now, and that he will not allow any of the lowborn scum to touch her. He tells her that she must be strong, now, and asks her again if there is anything she needs.

She mlooks up towards you, full of trust and hope.

"Thank you. Thank you so much !".

She waits a brief moment, until she continues:

"Before you of them took something out husbands...drawer. Some documents, letters or something like that. As far as I know, it contains secrets that are essential to my family. He...may may not get away with it ! I saw him go towards the servants entrance..."

Teagan says to the Heretic as he walks up, "Coward? I'm not the one that brought a mutant to the fight. By the way, it's dead and so are your friends. Perhaps you should rethink your coward remark. There is also the matter of your cowardly sneak attack as well."

He laughs silently, trying to mock you.

"A mutant you call him ? Gifted by our master, I call him."

With a quick feint to the side, he approaches quickly.


Reginald curses "Vile scum!" He looks to see if the Sergeant has already left in order to tell him to guard the Governess. If not, he tells the governess to hide in the room, and tells Camyll to stay watch. Reginald then draws his laspistol and takes off toward the servant's entrance, after asking the governess which way to go.

Edit: And asking her for a description of the man who took the documents!

Edited by Nimsim

I have overwatch on the Heretic, so I just shoot him when he tries to move if he goes first

Initiative roll: 8+4 = 12

"Don't speak to me of honour, heretic. Your actions condemn this entire world to the void"

Edited by Felenis