Seeds of Heresy (Play-by-Post) INPLAY

By GauntZero, in Adventure: Seeds of Heresy

Camyll shoots a quick glance at Reginald. "Make it count!" Reginald nods and grips his las-pistol firmly, setting it to the highest charge. He takes careful aim at the tire. Reginald thinks of his duty to the Emperor, and swears to himself that he will atone. His finger squeezes the trigger.

Ballistic Skill: 32 -20 Called Shot +20 Full Aim +10 Spending a Fate Point = 42

Roll: 96 (Ack! Spending another Fate Point!)

Roll: 34

Damage Roll: 10, invoking Righteous Fury, +4 for Overcharged Laspistol, for a total of 14, Pen 2

Righteous Fury Roll: 5 on a d5

Here is the text for a critical hit on a Vehicle's Motive Systems on a 5

"The driver finds that the vehicle’s control systems are completely unresponsive… but the vehicle is still moving! Tracked and Wheeled vehicles go Out of Control [page 212], Skimmers crash and Walkers move forward half their Tactical Speed or Full Movement before falling over (see page 212). If the vehicle was stationary during the previous round, this result has no effect (though a Skimmer in midair still crashes)."

(Assuming 14 Damage Pen 2 was enough to deal 5 damage)

The shot hits home! The tire of the pickup truck explodes in a loud flash, sending the vehicle careening out of control in another direction. Reginald lowers his Laspistol and sits back in his seat. "Keep a safe distance, Camyll. Let's see where he crashes." Reginald has gone back to his usual smug self, as Camyll stares in amazement.

Edited for correct damage

Edited by Nimsim

Rolled a 38 before which failed, so i'll fate point it. WS 30 [rolled a 2] this time.

Stun damage 9 + 3 SB = 12 total stun damage.

Teagan, a smile on his face crashes the handle of his gun firmly across the grotesque heretic's temple. "Lights out b****!"

Edited by Elior

//Overcharged is +2 damage, not +4. Also ****, Autocarriages are not Laspistol proof at allllll.

Alright, we tie the heretic up to a chair, and I suppose I'll take a shot at Interrogation. Do you have it trained as well Teagan? We could do it tag team

Also, I'm gonna hide him in a side room.

"If Courze or anyone else shows up, tell them that the dead ones out front are the only ones here"

Edited by Felenis

No interrogation but I do have Intimidate, Scrutiny, and Logic so hopefully i'll be able to at least verify his information.

I take his blindfold off, and sit down opposite him, Laspistol in hand, just in case.

"So. How does it feel to betray an entire world? Condemn millions of innocent souls to the ravenous void. Turn your back on your own race?"

"We aren't loyal to Emperor for his sake, you know. We are loyal to the Emperor because he is the protector of mankind. He saved us from the darkness, he gathered our lost and shattered worlds into his arms, and he bound us together into an unbreakable union. We are loyal to the Emperor because he gave everything for Mankind. Do you turn your back on that? On everything we have achieved? Where can your loyalties possibly lie that they supersede the Emperor and humanity?"

I stand up and pace a bit in front of him.

"You have two choices now. Come morning we will be heading directly to whoever is left in charge of this world after you assassinated the Governor. We can throw your rotten corpse at the feet of that Throne, and condemn this entire world to Exterminatus. Your fields of crop will ignite, your land will burn to glass. Your oceans will boil down to stone. The shell of Novabella itself will rip asunder and spew her innards into the void. And they will all know who the blame. As the last child dies trying to choke down a breathe of ionized stone, they will look to the stars and curse your name.
Or you can confess. Purge yourself of this heresy and corruption. Be something more then a lapdog. Tell us what we need to know, and this world can survive, and you will be rewarded with the redemption, and the righteousness of that task, if you do not wish for the Emperors benediction."

I stand right in front of him, and look him dead in the eyes

"So ask yourself, are you the subservient whelp of some treacherous power, or are you a member of this human race, with all courage and responsibilities that entails?"

Edited by Felenis

Rolled a 38 before which failed, so i'll fate point it. WS 30 [rolled a 2] this time.

Stun damage 9 + 3 SB = 12 total stun damage.

Teagan, a smile on his face crashes the handle of his gun firmly across the grotesque heretic's temple. "Lights out b****!"

That means that the heretic passes out 12-5=7 turns and gets 1 fatigue.

Camyll shoots a quick glance at Reginald. "Make it count!" Reginald nods and grips his las-pistol firmly, setting it to the highest charge. He takes careful aim at the tire. Reginald thinks of his duty to the Emperor, and swears to himself that he will atone. His finger squeezes the trigger.

Ballistic Skill: 32 -20 Called Shot +20 Full Aim +10 Spending a Fate Point = 42

Roll: 96 (Ack! Spending another Fate Point!)

Roll: 34

Damage Roll: 10, invoking Righteous Fury, +4 for Overcharged Laspistol, for a total of 14, Pen 2

Righteous Fury Roll: 5 on a d5

Here is the text for a critical hit on a Vehicle's Motive Systems on a 5

"The driver finds that the vehicle’s control systems are completely unresponsive… but the vehicle is still moving! Tracked and Wheeled vehicles go Out of Control [page 212], Skimmers crash and Walkers move forward half their Tactical Speed or Full Movement before falling over (see page 212). If the vehicle was stationary during the previous round, this result has no effect (though a Skimmer in midair still crashes)."

(Assuming 14 Damage Pen 2 was enough to deal 5 damage)

The shot hits home! The tire of the pickup truck explodes in a loud flash, sending the vehicle careening out of control in another direction. Reginald lowers his Laspistol and sits back in his seat. "Keep a safe distance, Camyll. Let's see where he crashes." Reginald has gone back to his usual smug self, as Camyll stares in amazement.

Edited for correct damage

The pickup drifts to the side and crashes hard into a corn field.

I take his blindfold off, and sit down opposite him, Laspistol in hand, just in case.

"So. How does it feel to betray an entire world? Condemn millions of innocent souls to the ravenous void. Turn your back on your own race?"

"We aren't loyal to Emperor for his sake, you know. We are loyal to the Emperor because he is the protector of mankind. He saved us from the darkness, he gathered our lost and shattered worlds into his arms, and he bound us together into an unbreakable union. We are loyal to the Emperor because he gave everything for Mankind. Do you turn your back on that? On everything we have achieved? Where can your loyalties possibly lie that they supersede the Emperor and humanity?"

I stand up and pace a bit in front of him.

"You have two choices now. Come morning we will be heading directly to whoever is left in charge of this world after you assassinated the Governor. We can throw your rotten corpse at the feet of that Throne, and condemn this entire world to Exterminatus. Your fields of crop will ignite, your land will burn to glass. Your oceans will boil down to stone. The shell of Novabella itself will rip asunder and spew her innards into the void. And they will all know who the blame. As the last child dies trying to choke down a breathe of ionized stone, they will look to the stars and curse your name.

Or you can confess. Purge yourself of this heresy and corruption. Be something more then a lapdog. Tell us what we need to know, and this world can survive, and you will be rewarded with the redemption, and the righteousness of that task, if you do not wish for the Emperors benediction."

I stand right in front of him, and look him dead in the eyes

"So ask yourself, are you the subservient whelp of some treacherous power, or are you a member of this human race, with all courage and responsibilities that entails?"

He laughs with a dry voice.

"You come too late, emperors whelp. It is being done within these hours - and you come too late to stop my masters presents from being given."

He spits you in the face.

"You have no idea what death is like - and you still really think you can threaten me or this world with it ? Me, who serves the very powers of death itself ?"

The pickup drifts to the side and crashes hard into a corn field.

Camyll stops the motorbike near the accident and dismounts, drawing his pistol, and walks carefully to the wrecked pickup.

[Could I see the driver? Is he trying to scape, or there's no movement? I try to scan the pickup with the in-built auger array = Per 40 + Awareness +10, + 20 from the Augur Array. Roll is 38, i dunno the difficulty]

[i spend a fate point to regain wounds, Roll 1d5 = 4 wounds. Now Camyll is at 5 wounds]

The driver, who probably was even wounded before he got into the car, seems to not have made it.

Around his chest he seems to carry a kind of bag.

His head is in the front window, massively bleeding and one eye is missing. The car itself is in a bad shape, small fires starting to burn on different locations.

You smell gasoline in the air...

Camyll runs like **** to pick the bag. If the window is broken camyll will shot the cultist in the back of the head and will pick up the bag. If the window is closed two shots would be needed. After that (If he is able to do it) Camyll would flee like the hell is coming to get him.

Reginald casually climbs out of the motorbike's seat and begins to walk over. He asks Camyll if the documents are present, before catching the scent of gasoline. "By the Emperor, hurry Camyll, that truck could explode any minute!" Reginald then looks down and begins filling out one of many reports for the night's activities.

To get it fast enough, you'd need an Athletics Test +10

Camyll's running to the pickup, but it's not quickly enough.

[i was going to make the accounting, but I got an 80 in the roll, so doesn't matter]

Reginald is going to run up and grab the documents , even if the truck explodes, or at least grab what's left of them.

Those who try to grab it have to roll Athletics +10.

> who succeeds: gets the bag and gets away in time

> who fails, but with less than 4 DoF: gets the bag, but suffers the hit of a frag grenade (explosion)

> who fails, but with 4+ DoF: does not get the bag, but suffers the hit of a frag grenade (explosion)

Camyll runs quickly trying to pick up the files, but stumbles. He then looks at the pickup, staring as it was in slow-motion how the gasoline around the vehicle ignites. Seconds after he is rolling meters apart, severely injured, small flames covering him.

[With my 80 roll and not having athletics skills, my base difficulty would be 15, so I don't pick up the bag, and I suffer the frag grenade explosion. And I've no armor. Roll for damage: 11 - TB2 = 9 wounds. That is 9-5 wounds I had, -4 wounds, crit in the chest. Don't have the books now to look for the tables]

Effect: The power of the explosion rends flesh and bone with horrific results. The target must make a Challenging (+0) Toughness test or suffer from Blood Loss and be Stunned for 1 round.

Reginald smells the gas and rushes forward to grab the bag. He vaults over Camyll and quickly tanks the bag of documents out of the door. As he runs back, he gets in front of Camyll to shield him from the explosion.

Athletics Roll: 32 -20 Untrained +10 ease of task = 22

Roll: 12, 2 DoS

Is Reginald able to take the brunt of the explosion rather than Camyll?

If so, he rolls 12 for damage (2d10). His armor is 5 and his toughness 3 so he takes 4 damage, bringing him down to 7 wounds.

Reginald smells the gas and rushes forward to grab the bag. He vaults over Camyll and quickly tanks the bag of documents out of the door. As he runs back, he gets in front of Camyll to shield him from the explosion.

Athletics Roll: 32 -20 Untrained +10 ease of task = 22

Roll: 12, 2 DoS

Is Reginald able to take the brunt of the explosion rather than Camyll?

If so, he rolls 12 for damage (2d10). His armor is 5 and his toughness 3 so he takes 4 damage, bringing him down to 7 wounds.

This would have been possible, if such a talent as RT guardian would exist...

Otherwise I had ruled that with enough DoS this might be done, but 2 DoS is not enough.

Camyll spits blood and gets his hands to his torso, where a huge chunk of metal is buried deep in his flesh. He looks at Reginald, who is covered in dust and ashes, and smiles lightly.

"Oh, amigo . Sure you look worse than me" -Swallows-. "But I might be dying".

[Toughness roll: 28. I fail by ONE. Spend fate point to reroll: 22 [yay!]. Two fate points left. No blood loss, tho.]

Reginald slowly sits up, gripping the bag. He looks down at Camyll with a sneer.

"Your death would cause too much of a change in the schedule."

Reginald brushes some debris off of the bag. He opens the bag to see what's inside.

In the bag, you find a handfull of letters - most of them written by hand and having seals on them.

Reginald searches for anything else in the bag, or any letters of note. He checks the letters for their seals and notes any important ones or ones with special meaning.

Scholastic Lore (Heraldry): 40

Roll: 7, 5 DoS

There seem to be a handful of interesting ones, which are correspondence between the Viceroy and the Overseer, as far as you can recognize the seals.