Seeds of Heresy (Play-by-Post) INPLAY

By GauntZero, in Adventure: Seeds of Heresy

INIT 8 for the heretic.

As you overwatch, its your shot !

Reginald curses "Vile scum!" He looks to see if the Sergeant has already left in order to tell him to guard the Governess. If not, he tells the governess to hide in the room, and tells Camyll to stay watch. Reginald then draws his laspistol and takes off toward the servant's entrance, after asking the governess which way to go.

Edit: And asking her for a description of the man who took the documents!

Crouze has gathered his men, only 3 of them are left. He says he'll guard the governess with his life.

The governess tells you the way - she describes the man who fled as rather unremarkable.

He looks like an average joe, wouldnt it be for a wound which a lasgun shot during the fight burned into his left leg.

She thinks he is probably slow because of that and you might be able to still catch him, if you hurry up.

Reginald takes Camyll (whom I assume would want to follow), and rushes out the door. As he goes, he briefly relays the information to his servo-skull and sends it to tell Teagan and Angevin. Reginald rushes down the hall, lasgun in hand, toward the servants' entrance. He does make sure to place Camyll in front him.

The corridors are really a maze in this building...would you please Navigate+30 to confirm me you are still sure about the correct way ?

Navigate: Intelligence 40 - 20 Untrained + 30 = 50 Target

Roll: 21, 4 DoS

You find an even better way than the governess described and reach the servants exit very fast.

There you see the man who was described by the governess in the garden area, just sitting down into a kind of pickup truck and starting the engines. He is about 30m away from you, the gates from the garden to the outside roads are far open.

Edited by GauntZero

Is there another truck nearby or anything useful in the immediate surroundings? I don't see Reginald nailing a Target number of 12 to blow out the truck's tire on a called shot and he's not fast enough to close those 30 yards.

//Well, the overwatch would have gone off if he had gone first, since I'm going first I can stop overmatching and do something else.

I'm going to make a Called Shot at his feet to try to take him down non lethally.

BS: 40

Close: +10

Called: -20

Total: 30

Roll: 17

So I hit

Damage: 7+4 = 11 wounds to the legs

I fire a well placed shot into his ankle and then yell at Teagan
"Take him alive!"

Init 1 + 3 AB = a measley 4

Is there another truck nearby or anything useful in the immediate surroundings? I don't see Reginald nailing a Target number of 12 to blow out the truck's tire on a called shot and he's not fast enough to close those 30 yards.

Well...there is older vehicle that looks like a servants motorcycle.

Not very reliable, but as it is quite light, it could be fast enough.

It also has a small attachment at the side, where 1 fellow could take a seat.

Edited by GauntZero

//Well, the overwatch would have gone off if he had gone first, since I'm going first I can stop overmatching and do something else.

I'm going to make a Called Shot at his feet to try to take him down non lethally.

BS: 40

Close: +10

Called: -20

Total: 30

Roll: 17

So I hit

Damage: 7+4 = 11 wounds to the legs

I fire a well placed shot into his ankle and then yell at Teagan

"Take him alive!"

The shot takes him off his feet and the ground jumps into his face.

As he is still dazed from this experience, it takes his whole round to get back on his feet.

Reginald runs to the motorcycle with Camyll. He tells Camyll to drive it while he attempts to shoot out the tires of the pickup truck from the passenger seat.

Since Camyll's player is MIA right now, I'm not sure how the rolls should go. What do you think, Gaunt?

I toss my shotgun to the side and lean on the back of the heretic with one knee on the back of his neck while I try to pin his sword hand. If he dropped the sword on the way down, I will kick the weapon out of reach first.

I tell Angevin that I have a set of cuffs on my belt.

Reginald runs to the motorcycle with Camyll. He tells Camyll to drive it while he attempts to shoot out the tires of the pickup truck from the passenger seat.

Since Camyll's player is MIA right now, I'm not sure how the rolls should go. What do you think, Gaunt?

Reginald runs to the motorcycle with Camyll. He tells Camyll to drive it while he attempts to shoot out the tires of the pickup truck from the passenger seat.

Since Camyll's player is MIA right now, I'm not sure how the rolls should go. What do you think, Gaunt?

If you think he'll agree, you may roll for him.

The pick-up start driving, the driver shouts some curses as he sees you approach.

To use the Motorcycle, you need a successful Security+20 Test to make it run (as an alternative, Tech-Use may be use, but getting no bonus). Furthermore you need an Operate (Ground Vehicle) +30 Test to operate it.

To shoot from the seat on the tires is a Called Shot (regular if also driving in similar speed, -10 if standing still while the car drives away). You would need to create at least 5 damage to the tires to damage them.

I tell Angevin that I have a set of cuffs on my belt.

You need to grapple him, to be able to cuff him with an opposed WS test.

WS 30 [rolled 45] 1 DoF

Your grapple attempt failed.


> Angevin

> Heretic (now standing incl. his sword in his hands) - in Melee with Teagan

> Teagan - in melee with the heretic (grapple attempt just failed)

Okay, I'm guessing that Camyll would be cool with this. If there is some kind of terrible crash, assume that he manages to land safely on top of Reginald's mangled body ;)

Reginald rushes over to the motorbike with Camyll and asks him if he knows how to drive this. Camyll shrugs, and Reginald just mutters, "May the Emperor protect us..." as he begins to hotwire the bike.

Security: 40 +20 for Ease of Task = 60

Roll: 19, 6 DoS

The bike instantly roars to life and Reginald and Camyll share an anxious look, both of them secretly hoping that they wouldn't have to try driving this thing. Reginald begins taking aim at the the pick-up as it pulls away, spending around 6 seconds (Full Aim Action) getting a bead on its tires.

Camyll sits in the driver's seat of the motorbike.

Operate (Ground Vehicle): 30 -20 Untrained +30 Ease of task = 40

Roll: 24 for 3 Degrees of Success

The motorbike roars to life, as Camyll revs it up. He appears surprised by how well he's doing this. A loud crack goes off beside him as Reginald takes his first shot.

Ballistic Skill: 32 -20 for Called Shot +20 for Full Aim Action =32

Roll: 76, 5 DoF

The shot travels off into the distance, and Reginald yells for Camyll to "Drive!" as the two of them take off after the truck.

Gaunt, let me know on the distances. The Laspistol's range is 30m.

Edited by Nimsim

I drop my Hellgun and charge the Heretic and make a grapple attempt

WS: 40
Charge: +20

Total 60
Roll: 34

I crash into the melee and bear hug the heretics arms to his sides.
"Knock him out Teagan!"

If the Heretic stays pinned, I will draw my stub automatic and gun whip him (sap?) in an attempt to knock him out. I aim (+10) and (WS 30 + 10 = 40 [rolled 38]).

I drop my Hellgun and charge the Heretic and make a grapple attempt

WS: 40

Charge: +20

Total 60

Roll: 34

I crash into the melee and bear hug the heretics arms to his sides.

"Knock him out Teagan!"

The heretic fails to doge and is now firmly in your grapple.

In his turn he tries to break free - rolls a 32 at the opposed strength test (1 DoS).

If the Heretic stays pinned, I will draw my stub automatic and gun whip him (sap?) in an attempt to knock him out. I aim (+10) and (WS 30 + 10 = 40 [rolled 38]).

If Angevin manages to hold him (opposed strength), you get +20 additional on your attack.

The attack itself would be a stun attack (-20 if you do not have Takedown, but neutralized by the bonus before).

--> 1d10+your strength bonus needs to be at least 5 (T3+AP2).

Okay, I'm guessing that Camyll would be cool with this. If there is some kind of terrible crash, assume that he manages to land safely on top of Reginald's mangled body ;)

Reginald rushes over to the motorbike with Camyll and asks him if he knows how to drive this. Camyll shrugs, and Reginald just mutters, "May the Emperor protect us..." as he begins to hotwire the bike.

Security: 40 +20 for Ease of Task = 60

Roll: 19, 6 DoS

The bike instantly roars to life and Reginald and Camyll share an anxious look, both of them secretly hoping that they wouldn't have to try driving this thing. Reginald begins taking aim at the the pick-up as it pulls away, spending around 6 seconds (Full Aim Action) getting a bead on its tires.

Camyll sits in the driver's seat of the motorbike.

Operate (Ground Vehicle): 30 -20 Untrained +30 Ease of task = 40

Roll: 24 for 3 Degrees of Success

The motorbike roars to life, as Camyll revs it up. He appears surprised by how well he's doing this. A loud crack goes off beside him as Reginald takes his first shot.

Ballistic Skill: 32 -20 for Called Shot +20 for Full Aim Action =32

Roll: 76, 5 DoF

The shot travels off into the distance, and Reginald yells for Camyll to "Drive!" as the two of them take off after the truck.

Gaunt, let me know on the distances. The Laspistol's range is 30m.

The distance is about 20m between the two vehicles now.

If Camyll wants to get closer, an Operate +20 Test is necessary.

Ahead of you, the road is getting rougher and more have one more shoot until it will be much more difficult to hold the vehicle stable...

Opposed Strength Roll: 26
Which is 2 DoS under the current rules
(Whooo sh*tty DoS rules!)

The heretic squirms in my grasp but I hang on as tightly as possible, and keep him locked down