PbP Idea Would Like Some Feedback

By jimbolya, in WFRP Gamemasters

So I discovered some pbp stuff the other night. Most of it was not WFRP oriented, but it did give me a few ideas. I was wondering:

1. Would it be possible to have multiple GMs in a pbp?

I would like to create some kind of sandbox place that people can come and go, but it doesn't completely hurt the game or other players...

I know that there will be bumps, but just wondering what others opinions might be before I put out the effort -

That doesn't mean negative replies will deter me, but it might help me shape the concept.

Cheers ~

I would do one GM per couple of weeks or days, then have another GM take over. It's communal story telling.


or simply have the alternate GMs jump in whenever. i like the idea...i'm going to flesh out the idea a bit more and then make an official posting. i think folks would like to be involved but there's no set individual(s) as a central anchor to keep the fire burning.

cheers ~

Sandbox sounds interesting if you have more than one GM but I do not like the idea of the story/setting I planned to be (unintentionally) sabotaged or influenced negativly by another GM.

Edited by abidibladiduda

Well - I've seen a few posts of folks that sound interested. That's a good point. But, is that sabotage or another person's creative input. I plan on putting up some sort of forum / blog and announce for potential GMs to come and discuss before opening for players.

Cheers ~

I haven't hosted a forum in some time, does anyone have one that they can recommend; or, does it not matter?

All the same?

Checked out rpggeek - that was pretty cool. Will look into putting something up over there this weekend. Pretty much figured out process controls and time keeping in game world.

OK - I was going to put something up over the weekend, but got snagged on hanging lights around the house lol.

Here's what I was thinking:

Sandbox Play -

GM are managers of an area - say the town of Weissbruck. As players move from this location to another location the GM from Weissbruck will message the other GM and notify him that players will be traveling to the new location. Updates on current adventures and what not will be noted and the new receiving GM will then message the players when they are ready to receive them.

The players will have sheets kept on a Google drive type of location so that GM can access the files.

As far as keeping persistent time in the world there will be a set block of real time in which the players must complete what they were doing, or continue - it doesn't really matter. However, it will work like a round up process and a new time block will begin. This is for simulating seasons, travel times, etc.

What I'm hoping is that this system will allow for collaborative creativity between GM and players the ability to drop in and out of a world that is constantly living and breathing.

For players that go MIA.

Those players that go MIA the GM will make "lite" decisions. The player will still be with the group they are in and the GM will play from what is perceived the motivations of the characters. There will be an element of simulated rolling and playing, and the GM will have to make good decisions as to the fate of the character. Any messages of change location or events will still be sent to the player's account out of respect for the player. If a player becomes an issue that character may become a permanent NPC in the world and the real life individual may have to recreate a new character if returning from a long break. Players are encouraged to notify GM that they will be away for a long time if they are not able to contribute. At that time the players character will become a permanent NPC. If notification was sent before dropping out the player has the option to return to that character out of respect for the fact that notice of absence was given.

I will explore more about rpggeek.com this week. I did like the fact that they had a dedicated pbp forum that could be utilized. Within the next 14 days I will post something formal to begin working with GM(s) that are interested in the endeavor.

Cheers ~