Regarding Trade Action

By PeterRobbins, in General Discussion

Regarding the "Trade" Action that an individual investigator may perform; I am assuming this "Trade" action would need to be burned by BOTH investigators. It makes the most sense, but I don't see in the rules or the reference guide where it states that explicitly.

- Peter Robbins

Raleigh/Durham NC, USA - Player/GM

Nope. Only uses one investigator's action.

Think of it as, um, only one investigator has to travel across town to meet the other guy. Once he does they can trade freely.

That means that in a 3 or more player game Trade can cascade. Good to know.

Yes. It couldn't be otherwise: one player takes all his actions before another player starts his own. The reference guide assures us it is a two-way exchange: on pag. 12 we read "the two investigators may freely give any number of possessions to the other, as long as both investigators agree to this trade". So, quite a potent interaction.

Fenyx gave a good reading of this; thanks, I'll use your example to justify this with my players.

And yes, this means Trade can cascade (vital if you plan to reach quickly a location with a Rumor running and you need to sacrifice clues to solve it)