Genetic Modification

By Bloody Spirits, in Rogue Trader House Rules

Looks like I would need a whole import supply chain of various mutants...and some normal human test subjects...lots of them :>

I mean, before they were open worshipers...

I suppose that with process refinement appropriate gene virus could do. Instead of grafting new organs I could force subjects body to grow them on their own...or maybe it would be far to complicated fluff wise?

Edited by Rauko

just use vat-clones! =D

Nah...vat tubes are reserved for cloning ogryns :D

Nah, you don't want to use mutants - too much chance the mutation is warp/Chaos-connected, and that's just way too risky. Plus, they're not necessarily stable mutations, and you'll definitely read as a mutant on a gene scan.

Safer to either start from scratch and artificially create your own gene mods, or borrow from a stable genome source, which, admittedly, is likely to mean a non-human source.

There are, admittedly other genetic augmentation programs in the Imperium, but the big ones are Astartes, Afriel Strain (Imp. Guard), and Imperial Temple Assassins ... AdMech probably has genetic augmentation programs for their own people, but they're usually into cybernetic/bionic enhancements/augmentations, so the AdMech program(s) are likely highly specialized and for specialist agents. Krieg might technically have one, but I think they're more of an eugenics/breeding program than an active genetic alteration.

I'm thinking that those who created the Gland Warriors must have the Ability enhance humans. Kinda thinking they might have been Companions of Vogel Genetors , because it fits with their outlook on life. Not the Orginials but the followups.

Take the Lostok Augmentation

Blackbone Bracing


Subskin & Cranial Armour


And all could be done with a "Bioware" designs. And could be a stable mods.

True - but that's more of an "add-on" bio-modification (either through implants, genetic modification, or a combination of the two) than a mutation. There is a difference between the gene modification/enhancement and mutation in 40k terminology.

Mutation is A Bad Thing. Genetic Modification is merely extremely difficult, and not exactly popular in most circles.

To be honest, I suspect that the so-called "stable" mutations that are exemplified by Ogryns and Ratlings are actually ancient and long-forgotten about sets of gene mods, not mutations in the 40k definition.

Mutation is Bad, and often considered the work of Chaos, although it is also often due to environmental factors. Gene mods are the work of Man, gifts of knowledge from the Omnissiah, not the work of dark powers.

Javcs i suppose that with enough test you could weed out chaotic mutation. Though you're right that there is still a risk.
You could also find stable mutations. homogenous populations have their own quirks, like shade of skin or eye color. But certain hard breeds like Volg hivers surely have their own gene pool with lesser but very interesting mutations. To single out those minor quirks and compile them into gene enhancement coctail would give you acces to specimens with prime set of features.
But it's still not enough, not to mention that it is a major undertaking.

I'm thinking that those who created the Gland Warriors must have the Ability enhance humans. Kinda thinking they might have been Companions of Vogel Genetors , because it fits with their outlook on life. Not the Orginials but the followups.

Take the Lostok Augmentation

Blackbone Bracing


Subskin & Cranial Armour


And all could be done with a "Bioware" designs. And could be a stable mods.

I figured that long ago.
But it's still cyber and chem enhancement.
Powerful but expensive and time consuming.
Combine that and gene treatment and you have force second only to SM.
Yet the complete and refined gene virus alone could give you working and fighting force of simple books that are better by a visible margin than your enemies and allies alike.
But to create something like this from scratch is not an easy feat.
Better to find such a "relic".
So my question is-do you remember any mentions in FFG materials about gene enhancement. Especially the name of the book and page?

"Mutation" in the 40k sense of the word, not the modern genetics sense of the word.

Hair, eye, skin color ... none of that is really considered a "mutation" by the 40k-verse. Okay, green might get you mistaken for a particularly scrawny and pathetic looking ork.

I believe that what Angel of Death was saying was that a way could probably be worked out for the enhancements he mentioned to be turned into a mix of gene mods, and wetware (biological/grown) implants, not hardware implants.

There's a character creation option in Rogue Trader that's something along the lines of being "artifically created/augmented" ... think it's called False Man? Either Into the Storm or Hostile Acquisitions, can't remember which. It's something like +3 to two stats, -3 to another.

But beyond that ... Astartes, of course, but for "regular" homo sapiens? The closest the games get (to my knowledge) is the Transgenic Grafting of Radical's Handbook ... with some reflavoring and tweaking into an explicit gene mod.

I guess you could call Malygrisian Bioforging (also Radical's Handbook) a gene mod, but you really don't want to go there.

Machine of Flesh from the Genetor Alt rank is RT Into the Storm is gene mods.

If you're talking about something more that's fluff ... there have been various gene mod programs run over the millenia since the God-Emperor's Ascension to the Throne. The most prominent would be the Afriel Strain, which took the genetics of Heroes of the Imperium and mixed them together in an attempt to create and mass produce super badasses, there's also the so-called "Cursed Founding" ...there was an attempt to recreate a Primarch ... there are doubtlessly eugenics/breeding programs all across the Imperium for various reasons, it's quite possible that gene mods are mixed in as well for some, be it an attempt to create a suitable new vessel for the God-Emperor to inhabit, attempts to create a suitable loyalist to take power from the Chaos Gods as Horus did without falling to Chaos in the process, etc. Then, too, it's mentioned in the Vindicare Assassin stuff from DH: Ascension that part of the process of creating an Imperial Assassin includes various bio enhancements and gene treatments.

Really, if it's a fluffy thing you want ... go wild with it, make something up, call it a recovered Golden Age of Technology project - or maybe it's something from at the end of the collapse.

What exactly are you asking for here? Rules to represent performing/developing gene mods? Background material on the history of gene modding in the Imperium/40k? Potential sources for a gene mod program? A representation of a known gene mod project's effects?

To be fair many of the talents that characters can purchase and characteristic advances in general can be interpretated or justified as gene-mods.

Green hair, blue hair, violet hair girls...some unscrupulous RT could squeeze profit from everything.
Wetware...i like that term ^_^
Well , i suppose that minor gene tampering could be pretty easy. Combat enhancement pack that create perfect warriors is medium to hard level. New organs, bones that can absorb certain ceramics and so forth is a hard level.
That kind of enhancement was perfected by the Emperor in Custodes,Astartes and Thunder Warriors programs.
Yet it was not unheard of to find in the galaxy modification from all those levels.
"There's a character creation option in Rogue Trader that's something along the lines of being "artifically created/augmented" ... think it's called False Man? Either Into the Storm or Hostile Acquisitions, can't remember which. It's something like +3 to two stats, -3 to another."
Thanks Javcs, I overlooked that.
"I guess you could call Malygrisian Bioforging (also Radical's Handbook) a gene mod, but you really don't want to go there."


" Machine of Flesh from the Genetor Alt rank is RT Into the Storm is gene mods."

This is right, but tampering with your own specific and known genetic code is kinda...easy :/

Who tried to recreate Primarch? Bile? You mean that one time when he cloned Horus?

" What exactly are you asking for here? Rules to represent performing/developing gene mods? Background material on the history of gene modding in the Imperium/40k? Potential sources for a gene mod program? A representation of a known gene mod project's effects?" named it all. I won't mind if that discussion take course through one of those options. I would like to bite into it from different angles.
Sckoni, which talents do you mean?

Hardy, True Grit, Bulging Biceps, etc.

Most of the physical/combat talents could be fluffed as genemods.


- Step Aside as increased spatial awareness mods or reflex enhancers

- Lightning Reflexes as a minor cybernetic or bioware

- Any of the Heightened Senses

Sound plausible.

Yet it implies that genetic tampering is more common in the Imperium of Man than it probably is.

In any case those effects could be gained by chem and cyber enhancement. Which is more common but less stable/more time consuming/more expensive.

Javcs i suppose that with enough test you could weed out chaotic mutation. Though you're right that there is still a risk.
You could also find stable mutations. homogenous populations have their own quirks, like shade of skin or eye color. But certain hard breeds like Volg hivers surely have their own gene pool with lesser but very interesting mutations. To single out those minor quirks and compile them into gene enhancement coctail would give you acces to specimens with prime set of features.
But it's still not enough, not to mention that it is a major undertaking.

I'm thinking that those who created the Gland Warriors must have the Ability enhance humans. Kinda thinking they might have been Companions of Vogel Genetors , because it fits with their outlook on life. Not the Orginials but the followups.

Take the Lostok Augmentation

Blackbone Bracing


Subskin & Cranial Armour


And all could be done with a "Bioware" designs. And could be a stable mods.

I figured that long ago.
But it's still cyber and chem enhancement.
Powerful but expensive and time consuming.
Combine that and gene treatment and you have force second only to SM.
Yet the complete and refined gene virus alone could give you working and fighting force of simple books that are better by a visible margin than your enemies and allies alike.
But to create something like this from scratch is not an easy feat.
Better to find such a "relic".
So my question is-do you remember any mentions in FFG materials about gene enhancement. Especially the name of the book and page?

No what I was refering to here, was doing these as Biological vrs a Tech upgrade. Like Bioware in Shadowrun.

in Red is what the Tech Upgrade = in Mutation/Traits

The Subskin & Cranial Armour is hardening of skin or Tough Hide ,

Blackbone Bracing as hardening of the bones,

Synthmuscle muscles increased grownth or Brute ,

Autosanguine a increased healing rate or Regeneration

and well

Pain Ward, could be used to grant Feels no Pain

Interkeratic Implants, [gene-altered organic matter] {pg 69 RT HS) is Dark Sight

Yet these people could pass as test as "Humans" not mutants. Yes you can do the same with chem and cyber enhancement cheaper but well this won't show up but will cost more.

Afriel Strain or 40k version of GI JOE Serpentor

An eugenics experiment mixing together the genes of the Imperiums greatest human heroes in an attempt to create superior guardsmen, which failed miserably. Afriel Strain warriors, for some reason, have the worst luck ever seen among humans, to the point that some Mechanicus adepts believe that their cloned genetic makeup may interface with the Warp in some way to alter the laws of probability. Afriels are normally albinos, with pale alabaster skin, pale hair and colorless eyes.