By theundead, in WFRP Rules Questions

Emergency! With black Friday deals ending soon, I've gotta know: what do I need to play without the core box, if anything? Please hurry. Thank you very much.

In order (start from the top, and work your way down as your budget allows)

  1. Player's Guide - **Required**
  2. GM's Guide - **Required**
  3. GM's Vault - **Required** (for the dice)
  4. Player's Vault - for the cards
  5. A second copy of the GM's Vault (for the extra dice)

Those first 3-5 items will get you what you need to play. Some folks play the game without all the cards and tokens, so they would skip item #4, but I don't recommend it personally. Besides, at the sale prices going on right now it's like $45 total for all of the above. That's a heck of a deal.

EDIT: Since the GM's Guide is now sold out, there's an alternate and somewhat more expensive way to get enough products to play the game:

  1. Player's Guide
  2. GM's Vault
  3. Winds of Magic
  4. Signs of Faith
  5. Player's Vault
  6. possibly GM's Toolkit
  7. possibly a second GM's Vault

With the sale going on, that's like $65. Not as good as the $45 I listed initially, but still much better than the $100 the corebox normally retails for. Items 2-6 on that list collectively include everything important from the GM's Guide.

After those "mandatory" purchases, what to get is pretty much up to you depending on what character types and supplemental mechanics you want. I'd roughly put them in roughly the following order, but it's pretty subjective...

  • A third copy of the GM's Vault (for the extra dice)
  • Lure of Power - expanded social rules
  • Black Fire Pass - dwarven characters
  • Creature Vault
  • Omens of War - nastier critical wounds, more "fighter" stuff
  • Hero's Call - higher level careers and actions
  • A fourth copy of the GM's Vault (because really, you can never have too many dice, and 5$ is a steal)
  • Creature Guide

If you've still got money to spend after that, you might as well get 1 of everything (and extras of the vault for the dice). All of the adventures have another couple actions / talents / useful bits squirreled away in them, so even if you don't run the adventure it's still generally worth the $5 or $10 at the sale price.

Edited by r_b_bergstrom

Well, thank you, but the game master's guide has also not been released yet. So I think that I'll wait for the core rulebook

to come out and in the meantime I'll get what this nice website tells me to get. http://diceofdoom.com/blog/2011/03/warhammer-fantasy-roleplay-core-set-vs-guides-and-vaults/

Thanks a lot anyway!


The GM's Guide was available at the start of the big sale, but at $10 they sold out quick. I hadn't noticed they were sold out when I was typing my earlier list.

That said, the lack of the GM's Guide really wouldn't stop you from running the game, because it's almost entirely content collected and reprinted from the earlier boxed sets. So instead of the GM's Guide, you could get these four items:

  1. GM's Vault (currently $5)
  2. Winds of Magic (currently $15)
  3. Signs of Faith (currently $15)
  4. GM's Toolkit (currently $5)

Between them, they cover nearly everything (95%, basically everything but the appendices and the adventure) in the GM's Guide, and would give you a full set of Wound, Insanity, Miscast, Mutation and Disease cards. It's very much a playable game out of just that and the Player's Guide (and probably the Player's Vault, as mentioned in my previous email). So $65 instead of the $45 it would have been if the GM's Guide hadn't sold out.

In other words, it's still cheaper to get a playable set of the game right now than it will be when the core box set is reprinted (at $100). If I were you, I'd get what I can now.

Edited by r_b_bergstrom