I suppose this may come too late for some, but I wanted to share this with those of you who might make use of it.
The following is a link to a google document of the below described excel file.
For my group, I made a DH Beta character sheet that automates as much of character generation as I could. The inspiration for the sheet came from the excel sheet FFG produced for DH 1.0/RT/etc.
I have not updated this sheet for the changes in the 3 updates. It should be relatively easy to do, were one so inclined.
It does not rely on macros, so feel free to disable macros if you so please. Everything is run on formulas alone.
Let me know if you have any feedback, I intend to continue running DH 2.0 Beta with my group, and would appreciate any bug fixes/inaccuracies contained within.
Please note that the stat section for character generation relies on the point-buy system. Personally, I dislike RNG and enjoy player choice. Were one so inclined, one could have players roll the dice, as it were, in order to determine starting stats. This will, however, cause the total stat box to be highlighted in red in most cases.
In general, permissible operations are shown my a neutral (white) or green background. Purchasable skills or talents, for example, are highlighted in green. Impermissible operations are highlighted in red in order to give immediate detail as to what is wrong with a character's advancement.