What Keeper cards can Investigators see?

By mrhinelander, in Mansions of Madness

Salutations. Which Keeper cards are the Investigators allowed to see? The story choices, the objective, no problem, they're explicitly covered in the rules. But what about Keeper ability cards, Traumas, etc.?

Can the Keeper hide these? SHOULD the Keeper do so? Please cite the rulebook if you can. Thanks!


Mythos and Trauma are kept hidden.

"All Mythos and Trauma cards in the keeper’s hand are kept secret from the investigators." (page 10)

"Mythos and Trauma Cards:Any cards in the keeper’s hand are secret and may not be seen by the investigators." (page 25)

Keeper Action cards are visible, except for in Call of the Wild.

I could not find anything directly in the rules, but Call of the Wild explicitly changes the behavoir.

"Call of the Wild Keeper Action Cards are kept hiddenfrom investigators until used." (CotW, page 11)

demozon, just what I was looking for, thank you. That first citation is on page 11 of my manual, second printing 1002MAR11.

Your page 25 citation brought my attention to that useful "Secrecy" sidebar, which I'd overlooked.

I'll keep looking for a citation re: Keeper Action cards. They're double-sided, after all, can't have them face down.