By KILODEN, in Black Crusade

so, when are the alien races going to get there own spin off?

i would love to play an ORK boy fightin an stealin his way to become a nob, then a boss.

or a mek tryin to build the biggest most boomtasticly dakka weapons and vehicles......

or how bout a grot trying not to get stepped on and runnin around doin his masters bidding

you fight other ork clans to get ready to stomp da umies!!!!!!

i would buy that RPG in a heartbeat.

With all the current lines dwindling away to nothing I would say the chances of that would be quite slim.

As per the other threads I'd like to see more come out for the existing lines than new lines coming out, especially a long awaited Tome of Rot/Decay/Paternal Love, whatever it would be called if it ever actually came out.

That being said if the lines were taken care of I wouldn't mind a xenos spin-off, although I would prefer something Tau as the opportunities for role-playing a complex empire full of vastly different xenos species would be far more appealing to me.

You can already get all stompy with the Ork supplements in Rogue Trader and a few homebrews should finish that off nicely.

orks never get the love......

to my knowledge im still the only army in 40k that is playing off a 4th edition codeex!!!!!!

and i have to wait until at least april to even think about getting one.

at this point shove the orks in the corner with my squat army that will also never see the light of day.....

i consider the orks one of the core races, im tired of the imperials getting the most attention, and all the new races are stealing anything left over. so orks are dying, and that is sad as they are so dear to my heart.

Space Orks: The RPG (possibly titled 'Ere We Go! or something similar) would rock my socks off. Unfortunately, we don't live in a world that good.

Meh, Ork RPG would just be fight, fight, fight... build stuff to kill with... fight, fight, fight. Orks are a little one dimensional... but certainly fun.

A guy I knew used Only War rules to make an Ork RPG, each PC had 10 comrades to simulate the massive numbers. Apparently, it went well, then people got tired of doing nothing but combat.

If it could be like Gorkamorka but with downtime activities, that would be ideal. All those other things that Orks do besides (sometimes during) fighting... rockin', brewin', and so on.

We've played "Waaaggh! Trader" a couple of times - essentially pure ork characters in Rogue Trader and with a krooza as a ship. It's great fun, because you can throw in ship combat, commanding massive battles, and assorted Kunnin' Plans* to get one over on either the Imperium or rival warbands.

* Note: Very few plans are actually cunning. Generally they involve wile-e-coyote style uses of explosives

With all the current lines dwindling away to nothing I would say the chances of that would be quite slim.

Unless it has "Star Wars" on the cover.

Edited by Arbitrator

With all the current lines dwindling away to nothing I would say the chances of that would be quite slim.

Unless it has "Star Wars" on the cover.

Oh yeah I should have specified, all the 40k lines dwindling to nothing.

Well, rather wait and possibly get a good Codex in the tabletop than be first and get the shittiest one... Like my chaos boys, not mention the 6th edition rules screwed my Dark Eldar army so bad that I ended up selling it in disgust with GW.

Only hope GW has of getting a single penny out of me now is with the 'nids( if the new codex isnt as sh*tty as the last one, and the one before that, and the one before that... unlikely), except by proxy with me buying RPGs and computer/console games that is.

If you threw in the old interpretation of Orks (2nd Ed, where Ork tribes were very different to one another) then you could get some interest. But as said above, Rogue Trader has enough info to play purely Orks.

Mind you, perhaps they need to release Gretchin, Snotling and Squig character rules. Imagine being a Squig?

Full Action: Squig WS vs Snotling Agility. If Squig wins, devours Snotling (-10 to Hunger for 2 Turns)

What the hell is with the "dwindling" 40k lines? Anyone heard anything from FFG as to the delay of Tome of Nurgle? They MUST release this for completion's sakes. My bookshelf just won't be able to handle being one Chaos Power Short.

Mind you, I am still trying to incorporate the other Tomes in my games...

Ran a Freebooterz campaign for a couple of sessions, using stuff from the various Rogue Trader books, mostly. Was fun, but probably not sustainable as a long campaign.

It's perfectly possible to run an Ork, Kroot or Dark Eldar game with Rogue Trader and the relevent expansions. I could see any of these games being a lot of fun if approached with the right mindset. I have been a little disappointed with the lack of non imperium options being offered by FFGs WH40k RPG range this far, but I don't know what the stipulations attached to the GW deal are regarding this. Maybe GW won't allow them to make a non human character based WH40k RPG (admittedly I can't really see why that would be the case) or they just don't see a market for it.

In my experience, you can run an all Ork pretty well game by using the rules in RT with a few more modifications to make the different Orks feel more diverse, mostly by butchering the DW rules. Most important is a rework of the clan/oddboy rules into something a lot more meaty, akin to what you would have in Deathwatch (Deffwotch for ya gitz out tar'), with the basic Freebooterz class acting as a set of generic advances any Ork who makes a living barreling through space in a hunk of steel held together by chicken wire and a few bolts ought to be able to take, Da Klanz acting as Chapters, and the Oddboy choice as an actual Specialty. You can even mod/port the Solo and Squad mode abilities, as they fit the Ork, both their extreme adaptability and their improved performance caused by the strange psychic interaction between groups of them. Just rename Cohesion to WAAAAGH!!!, and you're set, you can even decide who's Da Boss for different missions/objectives based on the individual Orks' strenghts. But da Kaptin' stays da Kaptin', unless someone gets a bigger hat. Which is unlikely, since da Kaptin' has the biggest, baddest, dakka-est hat in the galaxy (needless to say, this last part is mostly a formality, ala Rogue Trader class in RT, since Orks are even less respectful of proper authority than you're average RT character unless another Ork is quite a bit bigger than them and/or has a much more impressive hat if you are playing Freebooterz).

All in all, it works well if the GM and players are knowledgeable in older Ork fluff, especially 2e ed clan stuff and Gorkamorka (and, if you really want to have some fun, 1e ed stuff like the old Madboyz rules), as you can really ramp up the silliness orkiness without losing anyone at the table. Also, as a GM for such a game, don't be afraid to make stuff up on the fly, and to let the players do so, as long as everyone is having fun. For Mork's sake, you're playing Orks, creatures who can change the physical properties of objects they own based on their color; if the players get a cunningly brutal plan, or even a brutally cunning one, let them do it, and maybe throw in a bit of Paranoia-esque consequences to add more fun.

Oh yeah i'd definatly play that! Rogue trader was a good start but Orks deserve their own RPG.

Altough i can foresee paranoia (rpg) type of shenanigans with players beating each other up and the meks inventions proving to be wildly unpredictable...

'Ere we go 'ere we go 'ere we go!