Hello, FFG Forums. This is my first post here, but I've been lurking long enough to know how helpful you all are.
A friend of mine is running a game using the AoR Beta, and let me look through his book to make my character. While looking at equipment, I noticed that the Crash Survival Kit, which costs 300 credits, seems to be the best deal in the game. Its entry on pg. 128 says it typically contains:
Thermal Cloak (200c)
Survival Knife (25c?)
Distress Beacon (?)
Emergency Comlink 2x (50c?)
Spool of Wire, Ration Bars, Water Jug w/ Filter, 50m Line (?)
Medpac (400c)
Respirators 2x (50c)
Glow Rod (10c)
Field Rations 10x (50c)
Emergency Flare Gun (?)
Just going by estimates for some of this stuff, the total comes out to over 700 credits' worth of gear. As a player, this is great, especially as our first mission will be to a frigid backwater planet. But my GM suggested I ask the Forum's opinions on if this was intended to be a discount on basic survival gear, if the list is just fluff and the Survival Kit is the Survival skill's version of a Tool Kit, or something else entirely.
So, what do you think?
Edited by RedfordBlade