Random Event Generation

By jimbolya, in Rogue Trader Gamemasters

Just wondering if anyone has come accross a good random event generator by any chance?

Random events... don't do them.

well there you have it!

lol :D

Nothing is ever just "random." :)

But on the topic, what specific random events are you looking for? Random warp based events, random systems to explore, random void encounters, random critters/adversaries to fight, etc etc?

Just wondering if anyone has come accross a good random event generator by any chance?

Since random events are a bad thing, by definition no.

That said, as Name suggests above, some further detail might be useful?

Some random generators off the top of my head:

Random star systems, including planets and so on, as well as random artefact generator: Stars of Inequity

Unfortunately, Dark Reign 40k has ceased, but if you look into something like Wayback Machine you might find something there. They DID have lots of tables and fan material, anyway.

So to be more specific:

Random generator for ship mishaps / warp mishaps

Random encounters one might encounter on a space station beyond the plot

Random generators to help build NPCs

Warhammer Fantasy Role Play 2e has a bunch of great stuff in the GM kit.

As a thought I might buy some of the other 40k GM Kits and blend them in with the endevors from RT.

Stars of Inequity has various tables of sample set pieces you can throw at people while they're exploring.

very cool link - book marked dark reign


This site has some fantastic generators of various types, and even the other genre generators can be edited a bit to work for 40k: http://donjon.bin.sh/

This site has some fantastic generators of various types, and even the other genre generators can be edited a bit to work for 40k: http://donjon.bin.sh/

That is awesome .


I wish I could shake that guy's hand and buy him a drink, that site has been no end of helpful to me over the years.

These are AWESOME! :lol: Don't know how I haven't come across these before.