Servo Harness and Jump Packs and some other TM Questions

By B3stie, in Deathwatch Rules Questions

Hi all,

i have been playing Deathwatch for a while. But now we have an Techmarine in the Kill Team and i have some Qestions.

1.) Is a Techmarine allowed to wear a Jumppack? Expecially with his Servo Harness.

2.) If a TM has some Mechantres, lets say 2 Times Plasma Pistols. Is he allowed to fire them AND make a Swift Attack e.g.?

3.) This is not TM related. If i use Weapon with 2 Dices and both show a 10 i just roll another dice for Right. Fury.. But am i suposed to do when this guy is an Xeno, do i roll both dice for damage?


(1) I would say no when he is wearing a servo arm/harness.

(2) Depends what kind of action he can use to fire those weapons. If a Reaction, no, he can only shoot one. And in general one cannot take multiple attack actions in the same turn, barring talents or dual-wielding.

(3) Roll 2d10, both come up as 10 and Fury is confirmed = both 10s gets to be rerolled. All Deathwatch Training does is allow Fury to automatically occur rather than having to confirm it. Part of why pre-errata weapons are too powerful.

1: No. Where does it go? The Common Sense rule applies here.

2: You may make multiple attack action with your arms, or your pistols. Not both. 2 swift attacks with powerfists OR 2 single shot-no ranged bonuses pistol shots. If you have Two-Weapon Fighting Melee AND Two-Weapon Fighting Ranged you may combine melee and ranged TWF in one attack action. In other words you may make an additional attack with ayour "off-hand" weapon, even if it were a pistol.

Do mechandrites count as an "off-hand"? I'd have to think about that one.

3: Righteous Fury only ever generates a single extra die of damage, regardless of the number of 10s that come up on a single roll. Normally rolling two or more 10s auto-confirms a righteous fury result without a confirmation roll. Since Deathwatch marines auto-confirm against Xenos rolling two or more 10s on a single roll gives no benefit. Obviously, weapons with more damage dice increase the probability of rolling at least one 10.

As normal rolling a 10 on the extra die from Righteous fury generates another righteous fury.

A question related to this:

After an intro chapter to my game, I am allowing slight character changes for the PCs and introducing Deeds. Now, the Techmarine specific Deed in Rites of Battle doesn't seem to make much sense to me.

Here it is for those who don't have RoB.

Omnissiah's Calling - Speciality: Techmarine
Cost: 500 xp
Due to ancient pacts between the Adeptus Mechanicus
and Adeptus Astartes, Space Marines with the talents for
technology are allowed to train on Mars with the Priesthood
of the Omnissiah. It is a long journey and upon returning to
their Chapter after years of training, a Techmarine is never
viewed the same again by his peers.
While on Mars, the Battle-Brother is taught how to work
with the Machine Spirits and commune with the Omnissiah.
This shift from his primary role as a warrior from his Chapter
to a priest of the Machine God places the Techmarine in a
strange place between two worlds, not truly belonging to
either. The Techmarine is, however, the sole mechanism by
which the Space Marines are able to wage war. Without their
knowledge, they would be unable to manufacture their power
armour they wear, the Rhinos they ride to battle, or the bolt
shells they fi re. Without the presence of the Techmarines, a
Chapter ceases to be able to fi ght.
Apply all of the following changes to your character:
Talents: You gain the Electro-Graft Use Talent.
Bionics: You gain ONE common craftsmanship bionic of your choice.

To me, this sounds like you are paying 500xp for a talent you get upon character creation as a TM. The only benefit I see is an extra bionic of your choice.

What am I missing? Why is this good? What makes this stand out as something I or my players that are TMs would want to pick?

To me the Electro-Graft Use thing is one of FFG's many editing oversights.

To me the Electro-Graft Use thing is one of FFG's many editing oversights.

As in it is totally redundant and they just missed it?

Omnissiah’s Calling (page 85): Change the Effects of

the Deed to: “Effects: Apply all of the following to your character:

Talents: You gain the Talented (Tech-Use) Talent. Bionics: You gain

one Exceptional-craftsmanship bionic implant of choice.”

In the errata

Edited by Brother Anselm

Omnissiah’s Calling (page 85): Change the Effects of

the Deed to: “Effects: Apply all of the following to your character:

Talents: You gain the Talented (Tech-Use) Talent. Bionics: You gain

one Exceptional-craftsmanship bionic implant of choice.”

In the errata

Now that makes a little more sense. Is it just semantics or is there a difference between Bionics and Cybernetics?

Semantics. Though consistency is always appreciated.

One could hope...

Thank you guys!