I'm currently looking at Deatwatch Captain's ability, Command and Control. One of the possible choices is:
Improved Tactics—taking time to review data on the Killteam’s
intended target, the Battle-Brother gains insight
into the intentions of the enemy. The Battle-brother may
re-roll a number of Tactics Tests up to his Intelligence
Bonus during the course of the Mission. These Tactics
Tests must be directly related to his Kill-team and their
actions on the Battlefield. Furthermore, this ability allows
all members of the Kill-team to automatically enter squad
mode a number of times equal to the Watch Captain’s
Intelligence Bonus during the Mission.
Now from the description in core, it seems that the uses of Tactics are mainly RP related ('A character can use Tactics at any time when he wants to determine the best military course of action in a combat.').
Are there any other uses that provide actual mechanical benefits with successful Tactics Tests?