Insanity: Trepidation

By brrak, in WFRP Rules Questions

My players picked up a couple insanities during our last session. All but one successfully recovered at the end of the act. One guy got a permanent insanity: Trepidation.

So a couple questions: Trepidation states "You do not gain a free manoeuvre on your turn"

  • This seems really brutal: so they must spend a stress to preform any manoeuver? Is there a way to perform a manoeuver as one of your actions? I see them having to perform a manoeuver to move and then using assess the situation to recover, repeat until engaged. Just want to make sure I've got that right.
  • Recovery: this has a severity rating of one. The rules seem a little shaky here but that means each month they can attempt to pass a discipline check to recover. Severity rating means they need to pass one check to recover. And from the forums I gather this should be an average (2d) check?


You can suppress an insanity for 1 encounter by spending Fortune points equal to it's Severity Rating. (Player's Guide, page 93). Unless you're running more than 3 fights per session, the player can guarantee they'll be able to ignore Trepidation any time it matters.

Taking an extra maneuver costs a Fatigue, not a Stress. All physical actions have "2 Boons: Recover 1 Fatigue", so with a decent diepool, the PC can take 1 maneuver per turn without a lot of risk, and rarely have to resort to Assess The Situation.

There are a variety of actions that give bonus maneuvers with a good roll (usually 2 boons). There are talents that eliminate fatigue. So if the PC has an XP or two to spend, they may be able to improve their condition. For that matter, buying off the insanity can technically be done for 1 XP (since the Severity rating is 1) if the GM is willing, per pg 93 of the Player's Guide.

The Willpower checks for recovering from the insanity are actually 0d Simple rolls. This is specifically mentioned on page 51 of the Player's Guide. After mentioning on that page that it's the difficulty for these rolls in particular, it mentions that in general any roll that doesn't list a difficulty should be assumed to Simple (0d).

Thanks for pointing me to that ruling (pg 51) -- I think I had read that at one point but was confused by the section in the insanity rules that talks about generating banes during the recovery roll.

Definitely sounds like Trepidation can be handled in a variety of ways. After talking to the player I think he's actually somewhat excited to play his character with an insanity.