Separate forum for Imperial players?

By ErikB, in General Discussion

Is it just me or do we currently have three threads running on the same general topic?

Is it just me or do we currently have three threads running on the same general topic?

It's not just you. The threads were all the products of a one-track mind; it's all just a feeble attempt at diversification.

So post something interesting relating to a game where the PCs are members of the heroic Rebel Alliance battling the tyranny of the Evil Galactic Empire.

Since you asked... :D

Or survivors of the Separatists being funded via the accumulated and hidden funds of their former leaders before they disappeared on a certain volcanic world... :rolleyes:

The Rebel Alliance needs the funds and the Separatists have their own agenda, its just that whilst Mon Mothma and co are being careful its only a matter of time before their agenda rears its head enough for the Empire to manipulate accordingly...

1) The Malevolence from the Clone Wars, the Separatists have a second working model but needs help recovering it...

2) Not all of their battle droid army was secured by the fledgling Empire and now there's a race as certain rival interests are rushing to locate the hidden storage bases holding enough droids, ships and other equipment to help fund a Pirate group let alone a would be dictator...

3) Unknown to most people a few of the cloning chambers used to produce the Jango Fett run was stolen and secured by mercenaries formerly a part of the training program but because this was after Jango's death and the subsequent battle when the Empire showed its true colours this acquisition escaped the attention of those coping in the rise of the Empire... until now because those chambers can not only be used to create new troopers but also thanks to the information and personnel secured at the time the means to clone anyone willing to pay the price... can you say recurring nemesis?

Hold on they killed him last time they even cremated the remains personally and he's still coming back!!! :)

4)The Venator starships are largely obsolete but a few have entered civilian hands and by that I mean pirates and information suggests a few could be secured for the Rebellion but is this a set up by the Empire or could this tilt the odds in the favour of the Rebel Alliance?

Edited by copperbell

It's not just you. The threads were all the products of a one-track mind; it's all just a feeble attempt at diversification.

Nah, what we have now is a Red Dwarf thread, a fun thread, and ErikB trying to separate-but-equal people.


@ copperbell: It turns out that " rogue Venators " and " rogue Jango Fett clone armies " (as opposed to individual troopers) have both happened in canon, and I believe that "factions vying for battle droid armies after the Clone Wars" has as well.

I think my favorite game was one where we forced the Rebel Scum off of a planet into the waiting jaws of the Imperial Navy.

Also why do you think the Rebels are white knights,when they are clearly not?

Erik, this is the wrong thread for talking up the Alliance; that's one of your other forum threads. Do try to keep track.

Now you've got me imagining Tarkin running for the electoral office of Galactic Emperor on the " a despot and speciesest, but at least not an evil wizard! " ticket... although the words " immortalized by death " come to mind re: Palpatine, even if only to Yularen and not others of the faction that may use him as a figurehead...

If we're talking Maelora's Infinities setting, the Death Star didn't blow up but rather got sabotaged after what would have been Episode IV (albeit she still hasn't elaborated to what extent, only that it was apparently enough to REALLY get Tarkin worried), and the Sith aren't exactly covert in their moves to co-opt the Empire...

Yes, Palpatine still has fans, both those who felt he would have brought peace to the Empire and the Sith loyalists who actually knew the truth. Many Imperials feel Tarkin is merely using him as a scapegoat. Poor Wilhuff Tarkin -the one time he actually tells the truth and people don't believe him :)

We don't know who sabotaged the Death Star, but at this point most of the Imperials want rid of it too. I'm betting the likes of Yularen saw it as a necessary precaution, the ultimate deterrent, rather than a means of blowing up valuable Core Worlds.

Alderaan is pretty much the defining point of everything and everyone in our story.

So post something interesting relating to a game where the PCs are members of the heroic Rebel Alliance battling the tyranny of the Evil Galactic Empire.

I already did, post #19 on your other thread.

"From The Ashes" - 'a new commander takes over leadership of an elite rebel special ops group following a mission gone wrong and the loss of their previous commander'. Lots of cool stuff, including an Empire civil war.

But - funnily enough - you didn't reply and you never engage me about gaming.

Which is odd, because I don't so much disagree with what you are saying, just the wearying manner you present it.

This is why I constantly wonder if you actually play the games. Prove me wrong.

Edited by Maelora

Yes, Palpatine still has fans, both those who felt he would have brought peace to the Empire and the Sith loyalists who actually knew the truth. Many Imperials feel Tarkin is merely using him as a scapegoat. Poor Wilhuff Tarkin - the one time he actually tells the truth and people don't believe him :)

We don't know who sabotaged the Death Star, but at this point most of the Imperials want rid of it too. I'm betting the likes of Yularen saw it as a necessary precaution, the ultimate deterrent, rather than a means of blowing up valuable Core Worlds.

Alderaan is pretty much the defining point of everything and everyone in our story.

Oh, the power of " crying wolf ", rearing its head in Star Wars (Infinities) as an example of the " Deceiver " archetype of evil...

What gets funnier is that based on the Tarkin Doctrine (although that name and it as an actual, written doctrine is strictly EU) the Death Star (and by proxy the Imperial military that he could get his hands on*) according to canon Tarkin was supposed to be strategic deterrence... although some Wookieepedia articles have its failure at that being because it was blown up so quickly after blowing up a Core World...

... meaning that Luke Skywalker committed galactic-scale propaganda of the deed .

* WEG D6 materials had a bunch of the Imperial military coming more from an antipiracy tradition -- with it even being one of the " founding " -- and disagreeing with Tarkin's emphasis, not least because of what that meant for military procurement.

I myself wouldn't mind a separate forum for it, though right at the moment they seem to be trying to keep a limit on the number of forums they have, probably to make it easier to manage them.

So post something interesting relating to a game where the PCs are members of the heroic Rebel Alliance battling the tyranny of the Evil Galactic Empire.

On the other hand, why don't you?

No - I mean this with complete seriousness. Instead of making threads where you berate other players for doing what you DON'T like, why don't you make threads for what you DO like. Take, for example, my Wookiees Amuck or my Green Squadron games or my H-Wing conversion and game? Three very strongly pro-rebel, boo hiss Empire games that anyone could pick up and drop into their campaign as they please.

Go lead by example instead of just bitching about what other people are doing or not doing. Go be creative instead of destructive.

It's hard for him to do that when he clearly doesn't play the game.

I concur. And applaud Desslok for his work on those story modules.