Learning, and think I might be able to get my wife in.

By sunny ravencourt, in Star Wars: The Card Game - Strategy

Yes, I know that there's another post about a guy with 2 cores building decks for he and his wife. This is somewhat different.

So I am just baaaaaarely getting into the game. Played once with a guy I play xwing with. I really liked it. Watched the 20min tutorial from FFG. I'm going to buy the core set. Here's the best part; I think I might be able to get my wife to get into it with me. She's not a geek like me, but this shows some promise.

So. With the core set, is there anything really "deckbuilding" involved? Or does it basically give you just enough for a light deck and a dark deck. Deckbuilding is obviously something I have no real understanding about yet. Same with strategy to be honest. I'm just trying to get the base mechanics down so I can explain it to her so we can play.

Any advice?



The core set comes with two example decks for both sides(4 decks) that use less cards. You could make your own idea crossing two factions if you wanted for a full deck. The first big box also comes with one example deck for both sides. After that have fun throwing together different ideas.

Hey Sunny, we met at the con (I was wearing the purple TCU hat, we talked before the X-Wing Tournament). Glad to see you trying out the card game!

Yes, two cores does start you off being able to deck-build, although the card pool is relatively limited. Obviously, the more packs/etc you get the more options open up. I would recommend 2 Core and 2 Edge of Darkness if you can afford it though, it gives you all the factions as being fully playable. From there you can cherry pick individual packs etc until you are caught up.

As was mentioned, for your first few games, you will likely want to stick to the pre-built decks (detailed in the core boxes). From there you can build whatever you want.

Note: 2 cores/2 Edge/1 of each Force Pack is 1 play set of cards. If you and your wife end up overlapping to some degree, you will likely want to get more than that.Obviously not a problem if you only play against each other, but can be something to keep in mind if you both go to a league/tournament/whatever.

Hey! It was great to meet so many great people. It seems to be a tight crowd.

That seems to be the consensus. Another core is the next step. Been listening to smugglers den and watching YouTube. This is going to be awesome.

My advice would be to get a core set, have her watch the video tutorial before trying to play, then just use the decks that are recommended in the core set, the decks that the core rule book tell you to build. They are really great decks to learn the game with.