X-wing plug-in for Strange Eons

By Hinnyboy, in X-Wing

Is anyone else having problems running SE3? It used to work fine for me, but now it causes a "tiling effect" when ever I click from 'Basic Information' to the 'Custom Ship Details' tab. The new ghost tiles as I call them drift around the window following my cursor.

Not sure if this question has been asked/answered before, but is there a way to print multiple upgrade cards on a singe sheet that I am missing? I'm just trying to not waste my paper.

Hi everybody,

It's been a while since I last made anything for this plug-in and I apologize to anyone that has been waiting on updates. I plan to start working on it again -- in fact I already submitted an update with a couple of bug fixes and wave 8-9 support to Chris at Strange Eons. Hopefully it will show up any time soon in the catalog.

I'm wondering if it would be feasible to add a "dual card" checkbox, that changes the card back to a duplicate of the front format, and allows you to edit it accordingly...

Yes. It is next in line in my backlog, just after "custom upgrade icons".

Is there a way to make extended art cards in this as well ?

Thanks for this amazing tool. I will chime in that if you have the time, a full/extended art option would be awesome. However, as is, this is a fantastic tool and I wanted to thank you for all your efforts.

Totaly agree. Would love a full adt template matvhing the generics from the system open tourneys. And just add a box for the pilot abilities for uniques

Yes. I will try to implement the various alternative art templates eventually. It's in the backlog in a not too far future.

Ever thought to use your skills to create a plug-in for the Star Wars RPG? :) Been hoping for someone to do this for years. I tried to delve into the code once but it was beyond my skills and available time. It would be great to be able to make custom gear, adversary, and vehicle cards for Edge of the Empire. I've created gear cards by hand, but it would be great to have an automated process for gear, adversaries, and vehicles.

EDIT: Yes I know easy to ask, hard to do, but I had to try. :)

I have had several queries to do different plug-ins (including armada and imperial assault). I am sorry to say that one plug-in is all I can manage at this time and in a foreseeable future.

Is anyone else having problems running SE3? It used to work fine for me, but now it causes a "tiling effect" when ever I click from 'Basic Information' to the 'Custom Ship Details' tab. The new ghost tiles as I call them drift around the window following my cursor.

Unfortunately I don't know what is causing this. Maybe you can try asking Chris about it in this forum: http://basement.cgjennings.ca/tiki-view_forum.php?forumId=5

Not sure if this question has been asked/answered before, but is there a way to print multiple upgrade cards on a singe sheet that I am missing? I'm just trying to not waste my paper.

If you choose File->New... and then choose "Deck of Cards" you can add several cards to a single sheet. Very handy -- I use it all the time. Does that solve your issue?

Hmm, the catalog haven't been updated yet. Chris has probably missed it. I will remind him of updating it.

In the mean time, I have added a small feature to all of you Heroes of the Aturi Cluster fans out there. You can now check a tickbox to add AI guide lines to your ship token. This is very convenient I imagine (I haven't played HotAC yet, but I have planned a whole weekend for this with my friends).

You can download it here (including previous changes, of course).

Maybe I missed it, but is there a possibilty to do reference cards?

Great tool!

Maybe I missed it, but is there a possibilty to do reference cards?

Great tool!


Not at the moment, unfortunately. It is in my backlog however.

Maybe I missed it, but is there a possibilty to do reference cards?

Great tool!

BIG Reference Card!

See the link below

I haven't played around with Strange Eons in a long time... not since Arkham Horror was on its first couple of expansions. It's awesome to see that there's a (great) X-Wing plugin for it. I think I know what I'm going to be playing around with for the rest of my night :)

Dream feature request: Heroes of the Aturi Cluster player card. It would be so awesome to be able to easily put together cards with unique art / any specific upgrade slot tweaks that players might need.

Is there a HotAC plug in (or one in the works?) for the pilot cards? as much as i love scribbling down my upgrades etc hardly anyone else can read them!

Also how resource hungry is the program as i havent downloaded it yet due to having an old AMD 64 processor and no Graphics Card (just loading up programs in windows takes a while and norm.)

Is there a HotAC plug in (or one in the works?) for the pilot cards? as much as i love scribbling down my upgrades etc hardly anyone else can read them!

Also how resource hungry is the program as i havent downloaded it yet due to having an old AMD 64 processor and no Graphics Card (just loading up programs in windows takes a while and norm.)

I'm happily running it on an Win7 2Gb Atom netbook with integral graphics ;)

I can't believe I missed this...

The Upgrade Bar options are missing Title and Modification for Pilot Cards. Anyway we can get them added for the X-Wing plug-in?

Thanks for the hard work on this, it is great!

I can't believe I missed this...

The Upgrade Bar options are missing Title and Modification for Pilot Cards. Anyway we can get them added for the X-Wing plug-in?

Thanks for the hard work on this, it is great!

Some ships can take a Title (depending on the title) and every ship can take a modification. They've never been there, and aren't on any of the FFG produced cards either. So they don't need to be there.

I can't believe I missed this...

The Upgrade Bar options are missing Title and Modification for Pilot Cards. Anyway we can get them added for the X-Wing plug-in?

Thanks for the hard work on this, it is great!

Some ships can take a Title (depending on the title) and every ship can take a modification. They've never been there, and aren't on any of the FFG produced cards either. So they don't need to be there.

Thanks! That makes sense. To be honest, I never noticed that it was not on the FFG pilot cards, I was too busy building squads using the X-Wing Squadron Builder online.

Hmm - am I just being really thick here? It sounds like wave 8/9 should be in, but I'm not seeing any Wave 9 ships in the ship type dropdown...

Edited by doweaver

As far as i know, HB is the only one that maintains the add-on. He's probably just been busy with real life

Hmm - am I just being really thick here? It sounds like wave 8/9 should be in, but I'm not seeing any Wave 9 ships in the ship type dropdown...

No, you aren't thick. I submitted the update to Chris (the creator of strange eons) quite a while ago but he seems to have forgotten to add it to the official catalogue. Please use this link to download the latest version: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B0dD5k8AOOx2WGVBTEtyMnoxeTg

Edited by Hinnyboy

Awesome! Thanks, HB!

Just wondering if their is a full art option?

I'm also looking for strange aeons plugins for full art for pilots and upgrades.

Just wondering if their is a full art option?

I'm also looking for strange aeons plugins for full art for pilots and upgrades.

For full art, you just have to scour the internet. Once you have an image, you can just drag it into Strange Eons. Which is part of the beauty of the application. You can create cards with totally custom artwork. As far as I know, there's no artwork plugin yet. And possibly won't be.

Just wondering if their is a full art option?

I'm also looking for strange aeons plugins for full art for pilots and upgrades.

For full art, you just have to scour the internet. Once you have an image, you can just drag it into Strange Eons. Which is part of the beauty of the application. You can create cards with totally custom artwork. As far as I know, there's no artwork plugin yet. And possibly won't be.

It's the card templates though - I don't know how to alter them, I can put custom artwork in, but for upgrades and pilot cards, the dimensions are the same as the standard cards - I'd like to use it to make cards like those for system open, and the FFG promo / OP prize cards - which have different template / art areas.

Just wondering if their is a full art option?

I'm also looking for strange aeons plugins for full art for pilots and upgrades.

For full art, you just have to scour the internet. Once you have an image, you can just drag it into Strange Eons. Which is part of the beauty of the application. You can create cards with totally custom artwork. As far as I know, there's no artwork plugin yet. And possibly won't be.

It's the card templates though - I don't know how to alter them, I can put custom artwork in, but for upgrades and pilot cards, the dimensions are the same as the standard cards - I'd like to use it to make cards like those for system open, and the FFG promo / OP prize cards - which have different template / art areas.

I see what you mean now. I've been using Strange Eons for quite some time, but it will only reproduce the standard template with whatever details you wish to add. It doesn't have different layout options. That said, there may be another app out there somewhere that may do it. Photoshop might even be a solution, and once you've created a master template, then the sky's the limit.

Just wondering if their is a full art option?

I'm also looking for strange aeons plugins for full art for pilots and upgrades.

For full art, you just have to scour the internet. Once you have an image, you can just drag it into Strange Eons. Which is part of the beauty of the application. You can create cards with totally custom artwork. As far as I know, there's no artwork plugin yet. And possibly won't be.

It's the card templates though - I don't know how to alter them, I can put custom artwork in, but for upgrades and pilot cards, the dimensions are the same as the standard cards - I'd like to use it to make cards like those for system open, and the FFG promo / OP prize cards - which have different template / art areas.

I see what you mean now. I've been using Strange Eons for quite some time, but it will only reproduce the standard template with whatever details you wish to add. It doesn't have different layout options. That said, there may be another app out there somewhere that may do it. Photoshop might even be a solution, and once you've created a master template, then the sky's the limit.

The problem is GETTING said master template. I don't really have the photo editing skills to take an existin gsystem open card image and make a master template out of it. Espeically when it comes to things like modifying things like the actions, upgrades, etc available to a given ship.

Hmm - am I just being really thick here? It sounds like wave 8/9 should be in, but I'm not seeing any Wave 9 ships in the ship type dropdown...

No, you aren't thick. I submitted the update to Chris (the creator of strange eons) quite a while ago but he seems to have forgotten to add it to the official catalogue. Please use this link to download the latest version: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B0dD5k8AOOx2WGVBTEtyMnoxeTg

I am having difficulty installing this version. I'm getting a file not found error message / access denied message. Any thoughts? Do I need to uninstall the current X-Wing module before using this one?

I resolved my install issue, but I am now facing a new one. The graphic for the new action Rotate Arc does not appear to be working. Is anyone else experiencing this?

Edited by Biff

I am having difficulty installing this version. I'm getting a file not found error message / access denied message. Any thoughts? Do I need to uninstall the current X-Wing module before using this one?

I resolved my install issue, but I am now facing a new one. The graphic for the new action Rotate Arc does not appear to be working. Is anyone else experiencing this?

I tested the download again, but for me the Rotate Arc seems to be working just fine. Are you using Linux maybe?