X-wing plug-in for Strange Eons

By Hinnyboy, in X-Wing

8 hours ago, Kieransi said:

Yeah they're all here:


I don't know what's wrong with your installation, that's very strange... are you not on a Windows machine?

EDIT: OK, I managed to download the fonts and install them, but it still shows the "square" symbol in the program. I think the problem is the installation.

Edited by Odanan

It worked!

I uninstalled the program (selecting to delete everything) and installed a fresh copy in the default folder. Installed the X-wing plugins. Then I downloaded the fonts from the provided link and manually put them in the font folder (there wasn't a font folder before). Done!

Hey everyone!

I just downloaded the program and it's github counterpart, and right off of the bat, I have a few questions

- How do you make upgrade cards

- where are the other factions (other than the original three from first edition)

- How (or where) do you find/make the little black image of the ship


5 hours ago, Gupa-nupa said:

Hey everyone!

I just downloaded the program and it's github counterpart, and right off of the bat, I have a few questions

- How do you make upgrade cards

- where are the other factions (other than the original three from first edition)

- How (or where) do you find/make the little black image of the ship


It doesn't support upgrade cards now/yet. That feature is on the "to do" list.

Same thing with the other factions. You could do one of them as a "custom faction" if you had all the correct images, but I don't know where to get all of those. HINT: if someone else has them, I'd like to get them also. Especially Separatists.

If you mean the silhouette in the corner, you can make it... well, any way you make an image. I made one for the Vulture Droid Fighter by using the one in the ships font to make a jpg image in Paint.

Edited by Hatemonger
posted before its time


What I ended up doing for my separatist card, is using the card images from the x wing wiki. By saving them as a JPG I could just resize them to fit, and it was fairly quick. For the background image and the reverse of the card, I just took a copy of a card that I had and scanned it in. I love this platform for making custom pilot cards, and I look forward to when the upgrade cards are added (as well as the other factions)!

Also, is there a plan to update strange eons? I have a few ideas with what I would like to see. The "new" ships and factions? What about purple actions? Linked Calculate? Deplete/Strain? A way to make custom tokens? More arcs (sides, full front, full rear)? The much requested upgrade card creator?

Edited by Gupa-nupa