Strike Team Specialist Deed

By Brother Anselm, in Deathwatch Rules Questions

As team leader do I get to implement and use my companions chapter attack modes or can everyone under me get to use them as if they were standard attack modes?

I have chosen it under the assumption it is the latter and as long as i implement a mode at the increased cost everyone benefits from it as if we all belonged to the same chapter.

I hope that makes sense

Edited by Brother Anselm

Only the character who purchased this deed may activate chapter specific Squad Mode Abilities from other chapters at +1 cohesion. In order to do this, the character MUST be the team leader; if he is not the team leader he may NOT use ANY of this Deed's effects (including the -1 cohesion cost for available, via oath, codex abilities).

If a character does NOT have the Strike Team Specialist Deed (team leader or not) he may NOT activate chapter specific Squad Mode Abilities from a different chapter, even if another team member does.

Even if your team leader does have the Strike Team Specialist Deed, other team member MAY NOT activate a Squad Mode ability from a different chapter and they DO NOT benefit from the -1 cohesion for codex abilities they activate (even if they too had this deed).

IF the team leader with Strike Team Specialist activates another chapter's ability then the team leader (and ONLY the team leader) may benefit from it in addition to those who also know the ability. This deed does not allow all members to benefit from chapter abilities they do not know.

Additionally: Tactical Experience does not work with this deed, as it only allows you to share chapter abilities you personnally know. Similarly, Brothers of the Blood only alllows you to activate and share abilities your character personnally knows.

Edited by herichimo

I reread the deed and compared it to Tactical Experience and started to come to the same conclusion, ah well. Its a pity but for the cost of the deed it would have been very powerful if everyone had the benefit. Thanks for the input in clearing things up.