Gen Systhesis when attacked on your only home planet

By Spacefargo, in Twilight Imperium 3rd Edition

Do units destroyed on one's home planet and regenerated by Gen Synthesis, reappear on that same planet and continue to fight in that battle?

Should all units destroyed be set aside and rolled after the battle is completed?

If you don't control any home planet, is this tech not rolled for?



Unfortunately, the official ruling is that you roll for each and every GF as it is killed . That's right, you need shove a stake through each GF's heart to keep it from respawning. Same goes for X-89 Bacterial Weapon, bombardments, you name it.

It's a bad ruling for a poorly-written tech. But that's the official rule. My suggestion? House rule the sucker!

Officially, the Gen Synth'ed units are revived IMMEDIATELY. Thus, taking over a homeworld with Gen Synthesis can be VERY difficult, because troops that are revived are revived right away and can continue to participate in the battle.

Do you suggest no regeneration or regenerate to another planet as a home rule?



I think my favorite house rule is that rather than regenerating troops (which causes all sorts of rule problems), you simply get to turn your troops into shock troops on a roll of 9 or 10, instead of just 10.

If you want to stick with the regeneration thing though, just limit the regenerating to AFTER the battle is over. If the "home team" wins the combat against invaders, then they can regenerate.