Narthecium, Righteous Fury & others

By Amaimon, in Deathwatch Rules Questions

Hi! Our RPG group decided its time to take on Deathwatch. And so few questions emerged.

1. Narthecium is mounted to character arm. Does that occupy that arm, or can a character wield weapon in that arm?

2. Does tearing works with extra damage from righteous fury? Can you reroll extra damage die from Blood Angels solo mode?

3. Bolt pistol in melee vs hordes? Can I only make standard attack? Do I get any bonuses to attack?

4. Can you disengage the horde, as they are multitude of enemies, which surround you from all sides? Or if you just walk away and full auto burst at point blank, do you get Attack of Opportunity?

Edited by Amaimon

Narthecium is mounted to character arm. Does that occupy that arm, or can a character wield weapon in that arm?

Looking at a picture of a Narthecium:


The hand is clearly still free.

If you wanted to use it to hold something like a heavy flamer (which is underslung from the trigger grip) I might call shennanigans, but otherwise, the hand is free for whatever you want it for.

Does tearing works with extra damage from righteous fury? Can you reroll extra damage die from Blood Angels solo mode?

There's no specific guidance - the Errata rules say " If that second attack hits, the attacker may roll one additional Damage dice (1d10) and add it to the Damage total ."

Personally, I say no to Tearing, because you've already had your one bonus damage die and discarded the lowest; this damage bonus is part of the same damage roll. As to rerolls...more open to being convinced, but for simplicity I'd say no for the same reasons.

Bolt pistol in melee vs hordes? Can I only make standard attack? Do I get any bonuses to attack?

Can you disengage the horde, as they are multitude of enemies, which surround you from all sides? Or if you just walk away and full auto burst at point blank, do you get Attack of Opportunity?

That said, I would consider carefully if a player's move from a disengage action actually gets them clear of the horde - if the kill-team is fighting a horde across a barrier, then disengaging backwards from the barrier and away from the horde is fine. If you're in the centre of a small-ish ork mob but you have a jump pack, you should also be able to get clear. But if you're inside a huge mass, and the nearest 'edge' is more than your allowable move away, then logically you can't disengage, any more than you can dodge a blast bigger than your half-action move, because you can't move far enough to get clear.

Edited by Magnus Grendel

5. Does character only knows squad modes, which are listed on the chosen Oath plus his chapter modes, minus the ones he does not met requirements for? Can a character benefit from squad modes from other chapters, if the squad leader initiates them?

5. Does character only knows squad modes, which are listed on the chosen Oath plus his chapter modes, minus the ones he does not met requirements for? Can a character benefit from squad modes from other chapters, if the squad leader initiates them?

No, unless you are using some of the more advanced rules and talents from later books which deal with this.

5. Does character only knows squad modes, which are listed on the chosen Oath plus his chapter modes, minus the ones he does not met requirements for? Can a character benefit from squad modes from other chapters, if the squad leader initiates them?

No, unless you are using some of the more advanced rules and talents from later books which deal with this.

Or if initiated by a Tactical Marine using Tactical Expertise to allow the Squad to benefit from his Chapter's squad modes.

5. Does character only knows squad modes, which are listed on the chosen Oath plus his chapter modes, minus the ones he does not met requirements for? Can a character benefit from squad modes from other chapters, if the squad leader initiates them?

I house rule that they can as a result of all the time they spend training with one another and because it is a relatively small group.

5. Thanx for the info, I noticed that only Tactical can do this. What about the first part of the question?

6. I cant find what is the starting renown of the player. Could it be 0?

5. Thanx for the info, I noticed that only Tactical can do this. What about the first part of the question?

6. I cant find what is the starting renown of the player. Could it be 0?

6. Unless you have something specific to your own campaign, rank 1 initiatives have 0 starting renown. This represents the fact that they have essentially done nothing noteworthy in the Deathwatch - ie havent been on any missions.

I don't understand the first part of your question.

Characters should be familiar with the ins and outs of participating in all Codex Solo/Squad Modes and in those of their Chapter. They cannot benefit from the Squad Modes of other Chapters without a specific rule allowing it, like Tactical Expertise or Forging the Bond.

What squad modes can characters use on a mission?

Only those from the Oath they select on a mission plus their chapter squad modes?


Rank 1 tactical marine is the squad leader, and selects the Oath of the Astartes - he gets Squad Advance, Bolter Assault and Tactical Spacing squad mode abilities. Are these the only squad mode abilities the squad can initiate on a mission? (plus those of their chapter, with Forging the Bond etc. but you already covered that)

Edited by Amaimon

What squad modes can characters use on a mission?

Only those from the Oath they select on a mission plus their chapter squad modes?


Rank 1 tactical marine is the squad leader, and selects the Oath of the Astartes - he gets Squad Advance, Bolter Assault and Tactical Spacing squad mode abilities. Are these the only squad mode abilities the squad can initiate on a mission? (plus those of their chapter, with Forging the Bond etc. but you already covered that)

He also knows all of his chapter specific squad mode abilities. But only he can benefit from them unless you have the proper talents or home rule something different.

EDIT: I see now that my response is totally unecessary as you covered that in your parenthesis, which I conveniently ignored. I will show myself out.

Edited by pearldrum1


Rank 1 tactical marine is the squad leader, and selects the Oath of the Astartes - he gets Squad Advance, Bolter Assault and Tactical Spacing squad mode abilities. Are these the only squad mode abilities the squad can initiate on a mission? (plus those of their chapter, with Forging the Bond etc. but you already covered that)

You are correct.

As an aside, Ark of Lost Souls has included mechanics for switching leaders and oaths during the mission, but I think the intent of this is long missions where situations keep changing, rather than allowing it on the players' whim.

As an aside, Ark of Lost Souls has included mechanics for switching leaders and oaths during the mission, but I think the intent of this is long missions where situations keep changing, rather than allowing it on the players' whim.

Very much so. The whole point of the oaths - more so than the (relatively minor) bonuses they provide - is to define the squad modes available and hence the tactics the squad can employ. Personally I'm not a massive fan of the system, but there you go.