Thank you.
Like I said, confusing and convuluted.
Thank you.
Like I said, confusing and convuluted.
Here's one - how do you handle fear in the case of enemies being afraid of your Astartes?
I guess, what is an Astartes fear rating? I know that hordes don't test against fear until they get whittled down a bit.
Also, I know this is all in the rulebook but you guys are just so much better.
Astartes do not naturally cause fear.
Astartes ignore the normal rules for fear on page 278 and never suffers any of the "Shock" effects on table 9-7. Space Marines instead use the "And They Shall Know No Fear" rule on page 277 ANY time they confront fear causing enemies.
If an Astartes causes fear, or is in a situation in which he counts as causing fear (such as a cowardly enemy or GM discretion) the affected character follows the normal rules on page 278.
The common sense rule (and GM discretion) is important for determining when a character is affected by fear. Seeing a Fear(3) enemy 5 miles away that doesn't notice or is not in any way interested in the viewer may cause a fear check, but should have something like +60 to the test. Trampling down the road a half-mile away obviously towards the viewer would apply a normal fear check. Otherwise the fear causer must be close enough to reasonably be seen and intimidate the victim.
There is an armor history which causes fear, but ONLY effects characters engaged in melee combat with him. Standing 5 meters away and blasting bolter rounds into the victim = no fear. Running up and engaging him = fear.
Fear causing enemies are not immune to fear due to their frightfulness. They need other talents such as Fearless to be immune to fear, though they are not afraid of themselves, others like them, or allies (I imagine allies are reassured when their side is scary).
That's right. There was a lull in my game and it has been so long that when I wasn't rolling fear for the enemies as a muscle reflex, I figured that I may have been doing something wrong.
I have been GMing/Playing a lot of Dark Heresy, so fear is our biggest enemy (tool if you're the GM) in that game. Coming back to Deathwatch just required a jolt to my system.
Thanks, herichimo.
Here is another super easy one, I am betting, but I am nowhere near my books.
My squad leader has just left squad mode range. If he wanted to re-enter would that be another test or is it automatic? Squad mode did not break because of any type of external enemy involvement. He simply left and now wants back in.
If a character leaves support range of his battle-brothers while in squad mode, he immediately reverts to Solo Mode and any of the Squad Mode abilities he was sustaining immediately cease. To rejoin Squad Mode, after moving back into support range, he must take the normal steps to do so. So yes, the character must take a test or sacrifice an entire turn to re-enter Squad Mode.
Thanks, Herichi. Cheers, brother.
Though you should notice, squad leader leaving Squad mode doesn't mean others loose it too. Others remain in squad mode as long as there is at least 2 brothers who were in it and they able to support it still. If SL going out of SQ mode results in some members getting out of support range they form two SQ mode groups (if they got enough members to support it) or fall out of SQ mode as well.