12 painted investigators

By Perkele, in Mansions of Madness

Hi, I got all of my investigators (8 from the MoM and 4 from the CotW expansion) painted and I thought I'd share some pics of them here as well. Some of the models might look a bit glossy, but that's because I took the pics before matt varnishing them - my apologizes.

Anyway, here they are!

Michael McGlen


Sister Mary


Kate Winthrop


"Ashcan" Pete


Joe Diamond



Gloria Goldberg


Harvey Walters


Jenny Barnes


...to be continued...

Edited by Perkele

And here are the CotW investigators (apparently there's a pic limit here, so I had to separate the pics in two posts - oh well)!

Monterey Jack


Amanda Sharpe


Mandy Thompson


And Bob Jenkins.


Hope you like them. If you have any feedback, criticism or questions, please do let me know. :)


The only criticism I have is the new found criticism for my own paint job. You did a phenomenal job, I'm jealous. Are you going to pick up a copy of Forbidden Alchemy & paint those guys too?

Thank you most sincerely!

I'm going to get the Forbidden Alchemy as well, but probably not until the yuletide - I still have lots of monsters to paint, and I'm trying not to buy new board games with figures before painting the old ones first.


Love them they look great

Mandy Thomson is hot.......... ;P

I might as well update this since my monsters are starting to get ready slowly but surely.

Here are the zombies, I made some alterations on their arms' positions and did some unique touches on them with green stuff. I really like these models, the faces are great even though they first didn't appeal to me.





Then the goat spawns from the Call of the Wild expansions. Great models, one of the best in my opinion.




The witches. The black clothing on these unfortunately looks a bit glossy, but that's all fixed with matt varnish now.



And the maniacs. The first one has been converted a bit with green stuff, and now they are like a father and a son. :)



Cult leaders. I sculpted some hood on their faces to make them look more mysterious.


And finally the cultists. Even though I like these models a lot, I felt like getting rid of their staffs and making some alterations on the models. Now each of them is a bit more special and unique.







That's all from this time, next time some eldritch monsters!

Looking good!


I love the rotting flesh colors on the skin, the battle wounds, and the eyes which are really well defined.


Removing the staffs? Sculpting the hood? I never would have thought of doing either of those, but they look great. Well done.


It's hard to criticize anything that has had this much love put into it. Here is the only thing I could think of - the maniacs (love the father/son theme btw) are wearing shirts with rolled up sleeves. There is a pretty heavy trim line above the sleeves before their skin is visible. If the light source in the room is from up above, then there would be no shadow above the sleeves. Maybe it's another layer of clothing, maybe it's a shadow from bottom lighting, or an infection that has taken hold of them. Regardless, it's the first thing my eye jumps to, and it shouldn't be.

Again, congrats! Everything looks amazing.

Hahaha, love your additions to the zombie and the maniac. What do you use to sculpt these additions. I'm still new to mini painting (not quite brave enough to post my Mansions minis yet) and would love to know how you get the shadows on the white lab coats etc.

Thank you all most sincerely!

@ GrandpaBob: Good point about the shadow, now that you mentioned it I can't unsee the unnaturally sharp black line either! Fortunately that's easy to fix, thanks for notifying that.

@ SquarePeg: For sculpting I always use kneadatite aka Green Stuff. With a little bit of practice, water and a sculpting tool you have basically endless opportunities for modifying your models.

The white parts are usually the hardest parts, since painting clean white can be a real pain in the ass sometimes. I normally start by painting the areas light grey and then start painting on multiple layers of watered down white. A very heavily watered down black (or black wash, if you use Citadel paints) sometimes works wonders, too. The key thing here is to paint the white in multiple thin layers - one or two thick layers won't work and can look horrible if rushed. On the other hand, the white color can't be too watered down; if the paint drips from the tip of brush, it's too wet. After a couple of attempts I bet you'll do fine. :)

I've been busy with my Real Life™ lately since I moved to my own apartment just a couple of days ago. I'll have some eldritch monsters painted within this month though, unless I get distracted too much with other projects.

I'm a lazy scumbag and late again, but here's some pictures of my Dark Young!






Some more pics here... Lately I got some expansions to this game (Forbidden Alchemy, Season of the Witch and The Laboratory) and started painting some of the FA models. Sorry about the quality of the pics, I tried something new since it was too dark to take pics outside but it apparently didn't work out for me and of course I was too lazy to retake the pics again tomorrow. :P

Darrell Simmons


Vincent Lee. The short text is an inner joke, it basically says "Why can't I defecate money in this game?". In Arkham Horror Vincent has been a moneymaker with his alchemy spell, but in Mansions he's there only to heal people and now he feels sad.


Next time some more investigators and some beast monsters.

Edited by Perkele

Perkele, I love your work!

Perkele vad du är bra! hehe Jag är svensk :D

A friend and I are going to start the same set of characters very soon. I can only hope we manage a small fraction of what you've achieved. It must be so much fun to play the game with beautifully painted models.

Tack så mycket! :lol:

I have another update here. First I took new pictures of the photographer and the doctor. These ones are a bit better.

Darrell Simmons

Vincent Lee.
Carolyn Fern
And finally, last but not least, my personal favorite investigator: the swagman aka Dexter Drake.
That's all from today, next time possibly some beast monsters, or something else.