Need ideas for good props

By cns917, in Star Wars: Edge of the Empire Beginner Game

I'll be running the beginner game for a group of five on Sunday. I really want to wow my group, so I'm looking for good prop ideas. They need to be cheap/DIY and attainable by Sunday. Any ideas?

I'll use everything in the box, as well as an opening crawl.


Hmm... The Hypermatter macguffin (can't remember off the top of my head what it's called. HMRI?) could be something complicated and mechanical looking. Do you have any spare car parts or computer parts. Just hand it to them when they buy/steal it.

Are your group of drinking age? After the group initially disposes of the gamorreans in the cantina, and them all a pint of "Correllian ale" (their favorite beverage of choice. Adult or otherwise.) The original adventure calls for the bartender to be very terse with them, but you can twist things up. The bartender is secretly being bullied by Teemo and forced to pay "protection" money. He was happy to see his thugs getting beaten and offers a free drink to the heroes.

For the opening crawl. If you have a laptop available you can stick the text of the opening crawl into one of these generators. Seeing the text put to music in true Star Wars style will put them in the perfect mood.

The adventure is pretty straight forward. Not sure of what else you could inject into the game as written. If I think of something else, I'll be sure to post it.

Physical props tend to have limited enjoyment value for the cost/effort involved. Kaosoe is right, use an opening crawl from for each adventure opening, use the soundboard there as well for blaster fire, droids, hutts, etc.

The best props tend to be documents and files. Those you can create with some ease and can contain important game play value.

So I love the idea of gambling in Star Wars. That's how Han got the Falcon. I am busting out poker chips and a deck of Battle Star Galactica Triad cards this next session. I'm using the gambling rules in the CRB listed by Cool for a fast paced dice game and the Triad cards for, of course, Triad poker. I have some ideas on how to stack the deck (no pun) for the players and let them win decent without just being a money give away.

I like the idea of props and was curious what else peeps use? Minis and dioramas for tactical combat or space combat I get, but if someone else has some simple clever ideas I'd love to hear/read them.

Legos and blocks may sound corny but gotten a lot of mileage out of them in other games. Otherwise, plus one on the documents and files.

Edited by bigbad ratman