Using the West End Games sourcebooks?

By Norsehound, in General Discussion

Being the Star Wars fan that I am and wanting to have some accuracy in my X-Wing scenario building I acquired a few of these books a little while ago and I was wondering if they still had relevancy? As I recall, much of the early EU was based on these books.

Sure the stats are incompatable but I was wondering if anyone else was also going to reference them for thier campaigns?

Truthbetold, what canonical relevance are you worried about? Because a lot of the WEG material has yet to be retconned.

I still pull my WEG collection out regularly. Tons of good material, most of it accepted canon only to be retcon by George himself.

Adventure modules are still usable, lots of nice diagrams and little maps, piles of adventure hooks, character ideas, the list goes on...

Edited by Ghostofman

My WEG collection has been used as reference material for EVERY Star Wars game I've run regardless of system used.

Most of the WEG adventures will work well for AOR as they tended to assume the PCs were rebels.

If you read the forums a lot of things refered to as canon came from the WEG books and not the movies. The original EU authors were given WEG sourcebooks as reference materials when writing their books according to interviews they gave.

I've been acquiring the old WEG material just for the purpose of using them in my EotE and AoR games. There is a treasure trove of ideas contained within the covers of those books. No need to re-invent the wheel.

A gret deal of my EotE game is based on material from Black Sands of Socorro.

WEG was brilliant in its time. It's starting to look rather shabby now, and some of the concepts are antiquated at best.

I have most all of the WEG books, and I pull them out all they time. They give a good idea on everything from item costs, availability, and at least some guidance towards stats, to reference on a lot of locations. Their planet guides are very helpful. We also use the Tramp Freighters book a lot for cost and references related to smuggling, and space travel.

WEG was brilliant in its time. It's starting to look rather shabby now, and some of the concepts are antiquated at best.

Some people might say that 'bout the orignal trilogy too, but I don't pay 'em no mind.

WEG was brilliant in its time. It's starting to look rather shabby now, and some of the concepts are antiquated at best.

Some people might say that 'bout the orignal trilogy too, but I don't pay 'em no mind.

Well said!

My WEG collection has been used as reference material for EVERY Star Wars game I've run regardless of system used.

Most of the WEG adventures will work well for AOR as they tended to assume the PCs were rebels.

If you read the forums a lot of things refered to as canon came from the WEG books and not the movies. The original EU authors were given WEG sourcebooks as reference materials when writing their books according to interviews they gave.

WEG was brilliant in its time. It's starting to look rather shabby now, and some of the concepts are antiquated at best.

Edited by aramis

WEG was brilliant in its time. It's starting to look rather shabby now, and some of the concepts are antiquated at best.

Some people might say that 'bout the orignal trilogy too, but I don't pay 'em no mind.

I think you just did… ;-)

I definitely busted out all of my old WEG sourcebooks once I started running Edge, and I have to say, going over all of that old material really energized me for the current game.

Given the percentage of the WEG books that are simple source material over game mechanics, so much of it is still so very usable and very, very fitting for the EotE setting.

If you've got the time it's well worth scowering the internet for used copies of some of the books, or grabbing the PDF's. A few years back I made a concerted effort to fill out my collection, and was able to grab quite a few books from assorted sources for reasonably cheap. There are a couple books that are stupidly expensive, but the vast majority can be had for a song.

This is the part where I hang my head and weep for having eBayed my almost- complete line of WEG Star Wars eight years ago. Man, I miss those books. :( All I kept are the three core books, the complete Darkstryder (with minis!), and any modules that had handwriting in them. For all I know, some of you guys probably own some of them! :P

One other thing I liked about the WEG books was how cheaply most of them were printed - you didn't have to get all paranoid and handle 'em with kid gloves, you could just toss them around the table willy-nilly.

D6 Holocron has most of the WEG stuff.

I just pulled out the Death Star book today. My crew will be breaking out of a Star Destroyer cell block and off ship next. I figured the DS stuff can be scaled down to represent the interior and checks.

That book is a goldmine for running Imperial installations of any kind.

The Starfall module also puts the PCs in the same scenario. Might wanna check it out! :)

That book is a goldmine for running Imperial installations of any kind.

The Starfall module also puts the PCs in the same scenario. Might wanna check it out! :)

You beat me to it! Starfall is an excellent resource for Star Destroyer deckplans. I second it!

D6 Holocron has most of the WEG stuff.

I had no idea. Some of this stuff looks great, I must have only been exposed to the worst of it. I knew I'd hit gold when I saw a title by Sterling Hershey...

D6 Holocron has most of the WEG stuff.

I had no idea. Some of this stuff looks great, I must have only been exposed to the worst of it. I knew I'd hit gold when I saw a title by Sterling Hershey...

Glad to see you coming around. :P

Being the Star Wars fan that I am and wanting to have some accuracy in my X-Wing scenario building I acquired a few of these books a little while ago and I was wondering if they still had relevancy? As I recall, much of the early EU was based on these books.

Sure the stats are incompatable but I was wondering if anyone else was also going to reference them for thier campaigns?

We use them all the time. While we cant use the specific mechanics, we can use them for prices, availability and general functionality.

I find the WEG Star Wars adventures easily convert to the FFG system. The stories are great departure points for Edge of the Empire stories and fit with the limited Force powers and era too.

I used them for Saga games too but they seem to fit even better in the FFG system.

You know what the fun thing is about the Star Wars universe in your's yours. Make it what you will and discover. If AOR is anything like EotE there may not be a lot of adventures or modules made for the games. Of course we are only a year into this right? But going back to WEG d6, you have a plethora of material from the original series. Now I would love to see more material come out of FFG.

WEG books were, are and still be the best resource. I am still looking for the most interesting adventures and supplements. :)