Scholarly Plagiarist, Repo Man and Vengeful Mob

By bard8, in CoC Rules Discussion

Scholarly Plagiarist
Type : Character
Cost : 3
Skill : 2
Icons : CI
Game Text: If you win an I struggle in which Scholarly Plagiarist is participating, instead of the normal struggle effects, move a success token from the opponent's side of the story to yours.

Repo Man
Type : Character
Cost : 2
Skill : 2
Icons : C
Game Text: If you win a C struggle at a story to which Repo Man is committed, instead of the normal struggle effects, take control of a support card controlled by the losing player.

Vengeful Mob
Type : Event
Cost : 2
Game Text: Response: After you lose a C struggle, choose an opponent's character. If that character has fewer C icons than all of your characters that are not committed to a story, wound the target character.

What happens when you win investigation with Scholarly Plagiarist or win combat with Repo Man but you can't do what the card says you should? So in these cases, the opponent doesn't have any success tokens or doesn't have any support cards. I suppose then you simply don't do anything... Still it's not good when you're told to do something related to objects that don't exist.

The problem with Vengeful Mob is almost the same as was with the first two cards. What if I don't have any non-committed characters in play? How do I determine "If that character has fewer C icons than all of your characters that are not committed to a story". Do I suppose my characters have 0 combat icons?

Someone should proofread the cards before printing and check if these null pointer exceptions may happen.

i dont think proof reading is needed here. some effects just fizzle. this is a case of that. poof! nothing! just dont bring the characters to the story if you know the effect will fizzle.

PearlJamaholic said:

i dont think proof reading is needed here. some effects just fizzle. this is a case of that. poof! nothing! just dont bring the characters to the story if you know the effect will fizzle.

Yup, it's like that. You don't get to wound something, or you don't get the succes token; You get the useless effect that doesn't do anything.

Such is life...

Fair enough, then.

I also noticed that Under the Porch is missing the "shuffle your deck afterwards". It very likely should be there, however, so I'll play accordingly. Next FAQ will contain a lot of errata/clarifications...

Bard said:

Fair enough, then.

I also noticed that Under the Porch is missing the "shuffle your deck afterwards". It very likely should be there, however, so I'll play accordingly. Next FAQ will contain a lot of errata/clarifications...

there is a post floating around about that, same with dark druid.....

that should have been proofread! i guess its a good card for winning worlds tourney........

I tought there were precisions about the fact that each time you search for a card in your deck, you needed to shuffle, even igf not written on the card ... I'm not o sure of this !