I'm probably not the only one here excited about this...

By MagnusPihl, in Dark Heresy Second Edition Beta

It sounds a lot like it's intended as ally fodder, rather than a viable army in of itself. Still a great sign, though. I'm really hoping Deathwatch squads make their way into this, I doubt GW would pass up the opportunity to shift more marine boxes.

It sounds a lot like it's intended as ally fodder, rather than a viable army in of itself. Still a great sign, though. I'm really hoping Deathwatch squads make their way into this, I doubt GW would pass up the opportunity to shift more marine boxes.

Sounds like kind of a mini-ally, I think - one that fits into an army FOC without counting as an ally (since they will supposedly allow one of the ForgeWorld Marine chapters to ally with Sisters, so long as there's an Inquisitor present).

My current thinking is that I'll make a Space Marine army (painted up as Deathwatch) with whatever this Inquisition Codex gives them, and then ally on Imperial Guard, Sisters or Grey Knights as fits the situation. If the Inquisition codex gives some special benefit for Deathwatch teams, even better, but I'll have my Kill Team either way.

I'm just really hoping they do something more interesting with this than just copypasting the rules from the Grey Knights codex and adding some signature wargear.

I really want them to convince me to move away from my battlesuit spam Farsight army, but I'm not sure how well they'll succeed. Digital codexes seem to be pretty light on innovation, if the SoB one is anything to go by.

The Adepta Sororitas one isn't bad, actually. It makes the army a **** sight more dangerous, and it does change the way they play quite a bit. War Hymns and the priests more than anything.

That said, there will be no model release for a 'Digital Exclusive', which means it's unlikely we'll see anything drastically new, which limits what they could throw in.

Inquisitors, Henchmen, Assassins are a given. If someone throws in a curve ball, Deathwatch are a possibility - they did get a specific nod in both Codex Space Marines and the Damnos Warzone books, so they haven't forgotten about them.

I'm happy with it as an idea - my pet bugbear was that by tying it to Grey Knights as they did, you couldn't field an 'Inquisition' army without several squads of instantly-recognisable-no-matter-what-you-count-them-as Grey Knights, unless you fielded the 1,345,536 incarnation of Coteaz.

I hope there will be new minis to support this (preferably multi-part plastic Inquisitors/Acolytes...?), but I doubt it. The new Sisters of Battle codex was released as digital-only, and there were no new miniatures for it- just re-releases of old figures.

Edited by Adeptus-B

Uhm, you can already do that with the grey knights. They put the witch hunter faction under them, since it wasn't popular at all. Even worse then the SOB.

I doubt this is more then a short sighted cash grab.