Check out what I am doing for Halloween...

By BrashFink, in Star Wars: Edge of the Empire RPG

Running a Lovecraftian Con Game style "One-Shot" I am calling...



Spells? CHECK!

Enchanted Items? CHECK!

Creepy decrepit mansion? CHECK!

Sanity blasting beings from Beyond? CHECK and CHECK!!

Just finished all the prep, I am running it for my friends on Friday via Roll20 and G+.


Being that I am a huge Lovecraft fan it is even more awesome!

I requested to our GM to run something spooky for Halloween and he really likes the idea. Last session he set things up, so Wednesday it should be a hoot!

Starwars? nope, NO-check

not interested sorry.

Edited by Diggles

Starwars? nope, NO-check

not interested sorry.

Star Wars Cthulhu? Not sure that mashup works. :P

Starwars? nope, NO-check

not interested sorry.

Star Wars Cthulhu? Not sure that mashup works. :P

Very cool. I would love to see a full write-up of what you have done here.

Starwars? nope, NO-check

not interested sorry.

Star Wars Cthulhu? Not sure that mashup works. :P

Very cool. I would love to see a full write-up of what you have done here.

Yeah I am going to release all the materials as a Zip when done.

It will not so much be a "full write up". The rules are just the straight EotE rules, most of anything special can be gleaned from the cards.

Sanity checks work same as Fear Checks... failing costs strain. A couple of the pregen characters have skills that are different slightly (Library Aptitude, Bypass Lock) but they would work same as something comparable in the game. Casting spells is a Discipline check. That pretty much sums it up.

Edited by BrashFink

Starwars? nope, NO-check

not interested sorry.

Star Wars Cthulhu? Not sure that mashup works. :P

Depends on your view of Abeloth I guess. I never read any of it, but some say it had Cthulu leanings.

Edited by mouthymerc

Abeloth is the worst... worse than the Vong even - and I sort of liked, or enjoyed, the Vong at the very least. Abeloth is just waste of ink, its regurgitated literary faecal flotsam...

Abeloth is the worst... worse than the Vong even - and I sort of liked, or enjoyed, the Vong at the very least. Abeloth is just waste of ink, its regurgitated literary faecal flotsam...

I am a star wars fan and approve this message.

In the same way as Jegergryte, I really thought this peculiar EU bit was the worse of all (Watch my words, I don't mean to say the EU was bad I enjoyed like 75% out of what I read). Even though I enjoy this kind of story this one Bantha's s***t.

So you inspired me to add a Lovecraftian setting to my content builder... you know, just in case you are using it.

JRR Builder Beta

While a Lovecraftian bent might not be for some, I like the idea of something spooky for the season. There were zombie Geonosians at one point. /shrug

While a Lovecraftian bent might not be for some, I like the idea of something spooky for the season. There were zombie Geonosians at one point. /shrug

There is also RED HARVEST ... which was freaking horrible.

I do not understand EVERYthing needing to do something with Zombies.

A haunted lost ship to explore might be a good idea for halloween

If I was GMing a session for the season SW style, I would go more the lines of Godzilla, Cloverfield, Zillo Beast.

Mentioned on twitter how I'd love to run a Ravenloft thing for Halloween if my players would still be interested in D&D, etc... and people mentioned turning it into SW... So myself and a few others came up with the following idea...

An ancient and abandoned old republic cruiser, the RSC Ravenloft, floats on the edge of civilized space. Countless stories have been told of this ship, and treasure hunters have long tried to find her. The only thing that fills her are the lost spirits of dead Jedi, hanunting its halls. And a Sith. Lord Strahd, who following Darth Plagueis's study on cheating death, did just that, and has chased the Ravenloft for an eternity looking for his beloved. Once he finds her dead, he rushes to find those responsible for it, the Republic. All this while a group of treasure hunters have found the abandoned ship seemingly adrift in space....... An immortal Sith, confused Jedi ghosts haunting an abandoned ship... what can possibly go wrong? Here's a crawl somebody made

Edited by newbiedm

There is also RED HARVEST ... which was freaking horrible.

While a Lovecraftian bent might not be for some, I like the idea of something spooky for the season. There were zombie Geonosians at one point. /shrug

I do not understand EVERYthing needing to do something with Zombies.

Personally I like the Rakghoul, might want to throw them into my game at some time.

I've run Star Wars Cthulhu-styled adventures several times.

This Halloween my players demanded that the adventure contains no Cthulhu elements :(

Some of them still panic if I mention statues or stain glass windows in adventures. :)

I have watched Clone Wars on DVD the past few weeks and enjoy it enough.

So far I have watched a tribute to Akira Korowsowa which gave a nod to the Seven Samurai and the Zilla Monster which just happens to be a Star Wars version of Godzilla.

I applaud the OP and look forward to seeing and reading more.

Have a virtual Blue Drink in a tall glass in your nearest cantina on me. :D

There is also RED HARVEST ... which was freaking horrible.

While a Lovecraftian bent might not be for some, I like the idea of something spooky for the season. There were zombie Geonosians at one point. /shrug

I do not understand EVERYthing needing to do something with Zombies.

Personally I like the Rakghoul, might want to throw them into my game at some time.

I do not so much dislike the Rakghoul, as I just hate this book and am kind of burnt out on zombies in general. I actually stopped reading it with only 1 or 2 chapters left.

In fact, I was debating back and forth on running a Rakghoul one off for Halloween in my normal SW campaign... but my desire to tinker with the system was too overwhelming to ignore. Also, I have been trying to get my players into the idea of an occasional one-off like this also as a small diversion.

We ran tonight and not only did we have to fight a nemesis, a redicously large "scorpion" showed and tried to make us his next meal. All we could do was run from it, but when we have the means we are going back to KEEL IT! The GM may post picks of it over on the d20 site and if he does I will link to pics of it. Was a pretty neat model with light up glowing eyes!


That's pretty impressive. I also see that your group all has their own copy of the rules. I wish my players would invest in a copy of rules.

Doesn't matter what game we play. They mooch off of my rule books.

I do like that scorpion.

We completed session 1 for "All Saint's Day" and agreed to stop and continue tomorrow on "Day of the Dead". Here are some screenshots fron the Google+/Roll20 play...


They had found some horrible man-eating plants... the HorrOrchids...


The party realities they are SEALED in the mansion and CANNOT ESCAPE!


They wisely bypass a time/space trap by destroying the crystal ball.


Edited by BrashFink

These are not as dark, I had the Fog of War down for me so I could see where stuff was better.

This room was SO annoying for the party. The monkeys kept clanking which added black dice every round, and Alice kept casting a power that allowed them only one move/action... she and everyone kept moving out of their field of view into the darkness. lol


The Final Battel: They found the beast in the cistern down in the cellar. The had the Dispell Spell, but it takes 3 rounds to cast. Jaqueline got almost killed by it, so they ran away after they threw a bomb made by the Kate (yes a bomb, one of my players was looking throught the house for various ingrediants... lol).


They slammed the cistern hatch closed and attemped to lever it closed with some lumber. Castin the spell, Jaqueline gets a Triumph and lowers casting by 1 round!

The beast next round smashed open the hatch knocking Joe down. Joe fired at the beast. Casting contined...

Last round, the beast attacks Joe and rolls this:


LOL!!! He Crits Joe 3 times! and one of them is an immediate extra attack! In that attack Joe is CRIT A FOUTH TIME! and somehow still is alive with 1 wound left.

Last round. The beast is first... so unfortunately Joe bites it. PC turn... Dispelled beast... victory.

FYI, I am packaging up a Zip file of all the stuff and will be posting it in the next day or so.