Mitch Hunter Card question

By Bobby-Winky, in Mutant Chronicles

Mitch Hunter's card states that he may remove a token from a fig in his LOS. (I know his fig has not been released yet but we proxy unreleased figs in our play group.) So what tokens might he remove from a fig? We (my play group) figure he can remove a Guard token but what about wound tokens? Are there other tokens he could remove?

Its any token. YOu can tell by the rest of the text " IF it is an order token ..." so obviously he is not limited. It can be a guard, order, wound or ice token.

in the official rule 1.1 version this card is mentioned.

If it is a wound token, you can withdraw one damage. I.e, if a miniature has 3 damages - Mitch can take one wound token, which in this case means the miniture has only 2 damages left.