Buried but not forgotten?

By Gallows, in WFRP Gamemasters

Where can I find this adventure - does anyone know?

Also rise of the underworld?

Are they fan material or old wfrp stuff?



Hey Gallows,

Both of those are my personal campaigns that I ran and were podcast with Reckless Dice .

Underworld Rising was originally a tweak of Edge of Night. I used some of the characters and the rudiments of the base premise (Skaven in the sewers of Übersreik playing with Morrslieb), and tailored it to my group and my own tastes. The podcast starts a little ways in, since that was when Jesse (Gitzman) joined the group, but the main thrust of what happened with the Skaven is all there.

Buried but not Forgotten is my own creation. It followed the characters from the last campaign and took them to a town called Bökenhoff in Ostland on the border of the Forrest of Shadow. I tailored it as a pseudo-sandbox with a bunch of threads for the players to pick up on, while highlighting one or two that constituted the "main" plot.

That one never finished, since Jesse's and Leila's schedule didn't line up with the rest of the group's. I've considered picking it back up from time to time, but nothing has happened so far.

I have the maps we used for both of these on our group's new site. We has since started our own live play podcast and moved onto Edge of the Empire, though may have another go at Warhammer soon.

If you listen to the sessions and wanted to adapt the stories for your own group, I'd be glad to talk through details to help you do so.

redundant post deleted :)

Edited by Emirikol

redundant post deleted :)

Aww, I would have liked to see your take, Em. :)

Cheers, I'll listen to the whole podcast. I'm running TEW next and have really enjoyed listening to the reckless podcast for that as part of my preperation.

I love maps, so will check the site out for sure :-)

Doc, recently I went back to listen to Buried But Not Forgotten a second time. I went through the whole of Reckless Dice looking for the continuity of the game. Such great fun listen to you guys (and Leila)!

I'm saying this to give you another positive feedback. Energy for a come back!!!

I'm glad to know you have your own podcast running. I like Reckless Dice a lot and would love to see the game back through RD, but I'm also relieved to know that there are other possibilities of you lot coming back to Warhammer live recordings.

I'd like to say that I liked Lars before it was cool.

Yeah I really hope you finish TEW. It was a joy listening to it, and I use it as part of my preparations for running the campaign.

Yeah I really hope you finish TEW. It was a joy listening to it, and I use it as part of my preparations for running the campaign.

That is Gitzman's current crew with Reckless Dice. I hope he finishes it too.

Our group might do TEW soon, though I may make some improvements/changes for changes sake. :)