What on earth is Bob Jenkins holding in his hand?

By Perkele, in Mansions of Madness

I'm painting my Mansions of Madness models and was wandering what Bob Jenkins is holding in his right hand? Is it supposed to be a small skull (like a skull of a small child) or something like that? That would be kinda strange, but that's what it looks like in my opinion.

Another model with weird stuff on his hand is the dark druid model, but that already has one topic.

I'd highly appreciate if you could tell me what Bob is holding, I'm not sure if I am the only one with the problem of recognizing the object.

I'm going to bet it's a shot of whiskey. That's how I painted it anyway.

Here's a shot of the pre-painted fig from chaosium:


Edited by Tibs

Yeah, that seems to be right, considering he has the bottle of Jack card and the habit of getting drunk in the middle of action. ;)

Thanks for answering.